Example sentences of "at [adj] [noun] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is at Labour conferences that you hear international co-operation praised to the skies , while multinational corporations , presumably because they are mostly American , are big bad wolves .
2 It is at Labour conferences that you get the sweet nuttiness of Baby Milk Action , which proclaims , ‘ Breast Milk : a World Resource , ’ and tells you , as a fact , that it would take 114 million lactating cows to replace the milk of the women of India .
3 It was only as we were doing this and grinning inanely at each other that I noticed the red Transit van turning out of the other end of the street .
4 Solving complex problems may require choosing from so many alternatives at each step that it is very difficult to algorithmically define solutions .
5 So if , for instance , you are reading the earliest Gideon books of John Creasey , stop at each fact that you feel inclined to take unto yourself and ask whether it is a reasonably timeless fact , or only a temporary one .
6 To find some meaning for the Lady of Light , a feminine version of light and an equal member of a set of nine archetypes , I think it is necessary to veer away from speculations about the ultimate nature of light , and look instead at specific qualities that she may embody .
7 It was then that she and Madeleine saw each other : and it was at that instant that their military training served them well .
8 ‘ I wanted to be a primary teacher , and you have to teach so many different things at that level that it seemed better to study a broader range of subjects , ’ she says .
9 ‘ I make you dislike me ? ’ he questioned , and seemed to be so genuinely distressed at that thought that she felt duty-bound to quickly reassure him .
10 they snapped it up at that price that his er sold and then they could n't pay er when , when the time came , you know the everything went off , so they sold it and bought something else and they 've made a lot of money on that so they 've paid it off and have er a lot of money on the house
11 My Lords , I found a very interesting er aspect in the Royal College of Nursing 's review was that resources were not the issue , the Royal College itself came down in favour of the fact that it was management that needed to be tightened up and My Lords it was interesting looking at that survey that it was a telephone survey and in one of the two hospitals er one or two of the hospitals that were rung up , it was quite difficult to find the person who 'd answered the survey .
12 They should have been resolved in December nineteen ninety two because it was decided at that summit that there would be eighteen extra seats for er the then er united Germany .
13 She knew at that moment that she wanted to injure every penis that ever came into her hand .
14 It was at that moment that she had resolved to tell Nick Morley everything that had happened to her .
15 It was at that moment that he ventured to propose to her .
16 I decided at that moment that I 'd had enough . ’
17 I felt wonderful , and it was at that moment that I realised that if I started taking my athletics seriously , if I started training properly , if I started listening to Ron , then maybe I could do something in the sport .
18 It was only at that point that we felt confident that the field-worker was being talked to by respondents as a person rather than as some novel sex object , and the veracity of what they said could be treated by us with more confidence .
19 It was at that point that I started to cry !
20 So indicate at that point that you 're gon na exit there .
21 Because you , you had n't got the commitment that he wanted a pension or he did n't I did n't , I did n't feel that at that point that you
22 Both sides had agreed in principle in May 1990 to the creation of a UN mission [ see p. 37449 ] but had specified at that time that its establishment was conditional on the agreement of a ceasefire .
23 There was a deal of euphoria after the first night , the success of the missions , a certain element of surprise , but I did say at that time that we 'd be foolish to lower our guard , because erm there was still a lot of work to do , and that is exactly what it 's turning out to be , and we 're going for his military installations , and he 's got a lot of them , and it 's a wearing down process .
24 Jack now discovered that the Motion Picture Association of America had given it an ‘ X ’ rating and Columbia — who were to release the Movie for general distribution — had a policy at that time that they would never release an X-rated picture .
25 It was noted at that time that there were low level information technology utilisation in the departments , consequently the cost of implementation would be a major factor when considering the design of either system .
26 ‘ It may be more of an intuitive thing , but I considered at that time that there were shades of Edward VIII about him .
27 And I did n't even realise at that time that there were fifteen states in the Soviet Union .
28 Fujimori had promised at that time that he would wipe out Sendero by the end of his mandate in 1995 .
29 It must have been at that time that his habit of keeping notes on his travels began .
30 It was at that time that I interviewed David 's mother , Margaret Jones , who recalled a three-year-old David discovering a bag of make-up in an upstairs room and plastering himself with it , and how at one point she thought he would become a ballet dancer .
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