Example sentences of "do n't go [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't drink and do n't go out much so I manage on the money .
2 You see , this really , this this parable i is the story of of , of something which is lost almost by default , it just wanders off , it just goes it 's own way it did n't set out to be lost , it did n't choose you know that i , it did n't go through earlier on in that day , in the little brain that the sheep has , there was n't the thought going , I am going to deliberately get lost today !
3 I did n't go straight ahead with it .
4 But I did n't go straight there .
5 The greetings , we look at each part , the greetings and er appropriate sociability , that was good did n't go on too long , friendly , two way , was n't all one , one sided .
6 So what kind of people live here that we what 's what 's made it go you you said that it 's got one of the s what are the kind of things that go on now , that wo did n't go on before ?
7 Although I was baptized into the Methodist faith I used to prefer the church service because it did n't go on so long .
8 As I pondered my professional future with the company in the late Sixties , the self doubts did n't go away easily .
9 They did n't go round like that they were very loners as you would say .
10 er present work , and so I mean , you , you , could say we 'll take it , er two or three hundred complaints from London , and buy time I suppose , erm to see if if if er work up here had picked up or natural wastage went or what ever , erm , if it did n't go up then , I mean in the long term , erm one could n't envisage keeping on with more staff than what 's thought to be a fairly generously assessed formula anyway , says we need .
11 You know you would n't know there was houses there if you did n't go up there and see mm .
12 All the different schools had er cos then we had , used to compete against er all sports and we used to get an afternoon football we used to march from up to the and erm play football but we did n't go up there until at half-time at erm play-time so they went to school at two o'clock and at half past three then that 'd be our break , then we 'd go up to erm football till five o'clock .
13 Mrs did n't go up there yesterday Ange .
14 did n't go up there .
15 We did n't go up there .
16 ‘ I did n't go particularly fast today I just wanted to get round . ’
17 I did n't go that far back .
18 We did n't stop talking like but the talk s just sort of stemmed around the house and the kids and it did n't go any further than that .
19 I did n't go back anyway .
20 But I did n't show it to her till the last night in case it did n't go down well .
21 Obviously that did n't go down well with Lineker and he soon announced that he would quit the English game after the Championship finals .
22 It did n't go down well .
23 You suggested that Hazel should tell them our adventures , Blackberry , but it did n't go down well , did it ?
24 The family got him off the hook , of course , but it did n't go down well .
25 She did n't go down easily .
26 One person commented that when the local MP came to talk to his disability group he told them how good it was that they ‘ got on their own feet and did things ’ — which did n't go down too well with the wheelchair users .
27 I had to take time off work , which did n't go down too well with the furniture store which employed me , and I was promptly given the sack .
28 This did n't go down too well .
29 She once visited the branch and made some disparaging remarks about council houses and ‘ that did n't go down too well ’ .
30 Leicestershire felt the full force of Buckinghamshire 's keeness in the field when Winston benjamin was run out … a real mix up … which did n't go down too well with Mr. benjamin the batsman …
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