Example sentences of "do is [verb] [adv] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm very glad to see that there 's quite a lot of nurses here , and I presume that quite a lot of those are women nurses , and I think that this is terribly important , and I think a useful thing with this new service could do is to go out and talk for instance to the meetings of women 's organisations , to old peoples ' clubs in the afternoon , and actually ask people what they would like , and get them talking in a nice informal way , rather than waiting for somebody to let them know what they think , because I do n't think they 're going to get it .
2 Mass unemployment during the 1920s and 1930s modified opinion somewhat , although the economist F. Y. Edgeworth opposed the idea of family allowances in 1922 on the grounds that they would encourage male idleness and quoted approvingly the comment of a social worker in 1908 , who said ‘ if the husband got out of work the only thing that the wife should do is sit down and cry , because if she did anything else he would remain out of work ’ .
3 All parents know the scenario — all you can do is pace up and down rocking your baby while he screams the place down .
4 Okay well as I said previously what I 'm gon na do is go away and then I 'll prepare some figures for you and perhaps I 'll come and see you next week , okay ?
5 What I can not do is go around and do a full enquiry to find out what the position is , an enquiry indeed might be difficult , because you may have found these people but actually pinning down er to who does it and what actually happens may be more difficult .
6 It would be like taking London 's M25 or Washington 's beltway , in the hope of getting somewhere ; all you would do is go round and round in circles .
7 ‘ The best thing you can do is go home and tuck yourself up with a hot-water bottle , ’ she advised , pulling on her coat .
8 All you 've got ta do is roll up and you 've won .
9 But what I ca n't do is to look back and saying you 've been , you are like this now but
10 Too many students imagine that all they need do is to note down and read over the contents of lectures , and then to have a quick revision before the examination .
11 All she can do is tack forward and crash into him , which would be suicide for them all .
12 What he would n't have done is gone out and bought the girl loads of flowers the next morning and then get caught by me doing it .
13 What I was going to do is to go on and talk about , bring out electricity again as something which crops up .
14 Many would-be newspaper lensmen might assume that before each job the photographer gets a very precise brief from someone like Dermot O'Shea , and that all they have to do is to go off and get the shot .
15 well what I 'd like I think I 'd like people to do is go away and read this and see if it makes any sense when you 've actually sat and studied it .
16 know and get , cos lot I 've got his card all you have got to do is go in and say the name
17 All we want to do is go along and put forward our policies to discuss them in a well-mannered reasoned way .
18 I think they believe that all they have to do is to turn up and they 'll beat the rest of us .
19 All you want to do is sit home and drink gin . ’
20 What we want local communities to do is to get together and look at the situation on the ground , that is to say the council , the police , the magistrates , the brewers , people who run fast food shops , the planners .
21 All I have to do is turn up and see the applicants , ’ she said .
22 All we have to do is get in and establish a bridgehead , so to speak .
23 ‘ And all we shall have to do is to stick together and confess that this dreadful accident did happen a little bit earlier and we all felt devastated but there was a full house and we all felt we owed it to the public that the show should go on .
24 ‘ All I want to do is hurry home and cuddle them . ’
25 I mean the next thing they 'd want to do is to come in and do in this kitchen before you do any cooking for yourself
26 The obvious thing to do is strip off and dive into the clear , green water , but I would n't advise it .
27 Now what I would like to do is come back and see you either next week or the week after .
28 And then when they get bigger you give them more and more freedom to do just what they want to do and all you do is watch carefully and make sure they 're not doing anything obviously , outrageously daft but you let them find themselves and if there are problems they bring their problems to you and you sit down and you quietly talk about it , there 's not shouting , no I say you 've got to do this because I am your parent !
29 with de-briefings is that what people do is sit down and say what shall we talk about now ?
30 Right , I , the first thing I do is go out and sweep it off the road then , I ca n't , I just ca n't remember
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