Example sentences of "do it [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 suddenly it all ended when a SAC , who was n't even a suspect , admitted that he 'd done it during a fit of depression ; with a pair of pliers , not a knife !
2 If an employee has produced a computer program outside the normal course of his duties , but has used his employer 's equipment or done it during the hours of his employment , the ownership of copyright is more difficult to predict , although it is more likely that the employer will be treated as owner .
3 Whatever it was I 'd taken from Sunil 's house — and I 'd only done it as a favour to him , after all — he could n't have said anything to Nassim about it .
4 But I 'd never done it to a policeman before .
5 And he had done it to a woman who had done nothing to him , simply been a little rude and overbearing , not unlike The Fat Controller himself .
6 You would n't ha you would n't have done it to a dog though .
7 The railways had done it to the canals and now it was to happen in turn to the railways .
8 The first time he 'd done it with a boy , he 'd been ashamed .
9 You and I and Miss Watson have done it with a vengeance !
10 ‘ But I like to think that if I did n't do it , someone else would have done it with a lot less taste and love for the countryside . ’
11 Almost all the murders that the police solve in real life are either dealt with in a matter of hours ( the husband done it with the kitchen knife ) or as a result of long , long , tedious inquiries , mostly house-to-house , the taking of fingerprints and the elimination of perhaps thousands of marginal suspects .
12 If only he could have done it with the Palace !
13 He 's not gon na change now , he 's always done it with the lofts first man .
14 I 'd have done it with an aeroplane but
15 We have n't done it for a while .
16 We done it for a laugh and because we were bored and it got out of hand .
17 I 've done it for a number of smaller companies and charged a fortune for it
18 ‘ I 'd only have done it for the money , ’ she admits , ‘ It was a bit of a mish-mash . ’
19 But it was as if he had done it for the thrill of it . ’
20 But it was as if he had done it for the thrill of it . ’
21 The other girls , knowing quite well that she had done it for the benefit of one Geoffrey A. Machin , were shocked and admiring , but the convention restrained them from expressing either shock or admiration .
22 So , have you done it for the deadline ?
23 Just a day after Kevin , 33 , visited his JobCentre , she joked : ‘ People will make sarcastic comments like ‘ She 's done it for the £7 child benefit ’ .
24 John Major has made one for citizens , British Rail has done it for their passengers , the banks have formulated one for their customers and now the JS distribution division has done it for the branches .
25 They had done it for the joy of creating , without having to look over their shoulder at the censor .
26 She done it for the burial club money .
27 And erm I got down on my hands and knees I must 've done it for an hour
28 The progress towards our erm , compliance with our ethical investment policy though , has been achieved while considering the need to secure the best returns possible on our investment , and we have done it through a series of progressive sales of investments at the appropriate times according to the market conditions , and so I 'm happy to say that we have been able to achieve both our responsibilities as trustees , our responsibility both to secure the best return on investment and , to consider wider policy implications of our investment policy .
29 He ought to have done it through the college got it cheaper .
30 The England captain said : ‘ We 've done it despite a lot of injuries and we 've been without Mark Waugh for the last six matches because he 's with the Australian team in Sri Lanka .
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