Example sentences of "do be [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Surely if all we want is prints off existing things all you need do is a request with a DOPACS number ?
2 A task has been allocated to the human operator and what he must do is a function of the needs of the hardware .
3 Those negotiations are a matter for the liquidator and shareholders , and the question of what the court should do is a matter for the court and the parties before it , not the Government .
4 ‘ What you do or do not do is no concern of mine — ’
5 Another reason for norm-referenced tests not providing a description of what a pupil knows and can do is the lack of clear specification of learning objectives , at least as far as the formulation of pupil performance on the test is concerned .
6 What should be done is the level of housing allocated to Selby should be assessed in terms of whether it can be satisfactorily accommodated , and if it ca n't then it should n't be allocated .
7 How this is done is the process of pattern formation .
8 ‘ They thought that what we had done was an example of how a test should be made .
9 The nub of the technical job to be done was the control of land use .
10 Whatever skills are needed , complete mental concentration is not one , and the effect of having many different tasks to do is a dispersal of the housewife 's attention in many different directions .
11 All you wan na to do is the ventilation on it .
12 Assuming that your machine has a standard sized case and existing motherboard the important calculation to do is the value of what you would keep and what you would throw away .
13 I have tried to suggest that what Lévi-Strauss is doing is a form of discourse analysis that both attempts to articulate the rules governing the formation of the type of discourse and interpret the ‘ meanings ’ of utterances within the particular discourse .
14 Now what we 're doing is a sort of historical sidestep .
15 The principal reason for so doing is the effect of statutory duties imposed on the landlord in respect of the provision of sanitary facilities in a multi-occupied building .
16 ‘ I respect the fact that The Jam can touch people and what they 're doing is an attempt to be ‘ real ’ — no myth or far-fetched fantasy — and it 's for real people , not people who follow trends .
17 In the above example , do is a substitute for like movies .
18 What historians do is a set of activities structured by their social relations , to each other and to their audiences .
19 In a sense , therefore , one may adopt Hare 's significant point that what people do is a matter of some importance .
20 I suppose that what I do is a form of expression .
21 In ( 119 ) the bare infinitive do is the equivalent of " who did " and it is only by means of the indefinite pronoun anyone that the speaker is able to generalize from the particular performance of the event do which was directly experienced .
22 Maybe the reason I had Testified the way I did was a kind of double bhiff on Argol 's part .
23 The most she ever did was a bit of sick visiting .
24 Sometimes both came together : very few of our sample lived as far out of town as the mining village of Gilmerton , but one woman compositor who did was the daughter of a miner and in due course she married a miner herself .
25 His face wore that concentrated look she had grown used to , as if everything he did was the focus of all his energies — like the look when he 'd taken her in his arms and made his kiss seem the still point of the entire universe .
26 Maybe what I did was an act of complicity , or looked as if it could have been .
27 To involve related professions as closely as he did was an innovation at that time .
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