Example sentences of "you have [adv] got [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She , she was off , off sick and er so for the last six months I did sister 's duties which was very useful because er it , it , it gave me that little bit of independence , working on my own whereas before you 'd always got either the staff nurse or the sister to fall back on .
2 Would you have got together with Rosalind if you never met Juliet , would you have actually got together with Rosalind ?
3 Erm but maybe this , this issue is , is , could be important in the sense that you , you 've got tt er if you take China as a whole you 've probably got well in excess of a million villages erm you 've probably got a denser population in the south than the north so you 've got more than half a million villages in the south
4 I went into the gardens one Sunday morning with the dog found a body in a sleeping bag and I really did n't know whether I thought it was alive or not alive so I went rather closer and I got a very defensive angry stare from a young man and I said to him I 'm not going to ask you to move , because you 've probably got nowhere to go , my real concern is are you okay .
5 But then I say , when you you 've probably got very , very used to it !
6 How many pages have you done ? look at the spacing out I mean you 've probably got about three words .
7 You 've just got back from Rhodes , we hear . ’
8 You 've just got back .
9 back to the drawing board you 've got a backbone but you 've not got anywhere near a shocking front page .
10 ‘ But you 've both got more important things to do , I 'm sure . ’
11 ‘ You always believe what you read , and you 've all got very literal minds .
12 You 've never got up to your proper weight again since the — since — since you — you know . ’
13 So that if you 've been really rough , and you 're ninety nine , you can look at the figures and you 've still got nearly four years left .
14 Do n't think you can get away with it just because you 've always got away with everything , since you set that nursemaid 's apron alight . ’
15 Well it 's , whether you 've really got somewhere to put it really that 's the top and bottom of it
16 gon na revisit it and , and it 's standard cos it all hinges , if you look at that script , what happens next all hinges on what you 've actually got on there , right ?
17 ‘ There 's no point in me explaining what you 've actually got there , is there ? ’ the Doctor asked .
18 ‘ If you two are working together you 've only got today to do it .
19 Well you 've only got actually you 've got
20 It wor even , providing you have n't got a lot of if you 've only got about a hundred people it 's not too bad that cos it , it also creates a bit more atmosphere .
21 if you come back on the one before you 've only got about three and a half hours so you 've got four hours on the ferry , three and a half there and then four hours back again have n't you ?
22 but I mean they work on a sort of cash basis and er the lorries just drive up , get loaded up , course you just have to queue , he said if you get behind six or seven lorries by the time you 've got your load then you 've got to get back to where your doing the job , then you 've only got about two or three hours daylight left , this is why these , these obviously go round there , say do three or four in one area and you get one load get it out get the job done , you know , and when his paid out cash that time of the morning they the do n't care you have to pay
23 We got votes against our proposals with no reasons given at all , you 've now got down to the point of having no reasons at all for opposing what we want to do .
24 Well , you 've certainly got off to a cracking start , mocked a small ironic voice inside her .
25 But if you if you had n't got properly dressed , you could n't go out .
26 So we just stayed anywhere and if you had n't got anywhere to go
27 I mean we noticed that with the referrals and everything but it was purely that you had n't got down to that point to ask for them .
28 If indeed you had ever got in .
29 Although I 'd hardly call it hounding myself , merely a timely reminder that you have n't got away with it , ’ he corrected warningly .
30 You have n't got as much at the front as I have .
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