Example sentences of "you be [adj] [coord] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 If , when you arrive at the interview you find you are early or there is a delay , do n't just sit around allowing tension to build up inside you .
2 Perhaps I drank too deeply because one of old Shallot 's mottos is , and always has been : ‘ When you are frightened and there 's wine about , drink as much as you can . ’
3 If , however , you are resident but there is a chance that you might move , the country where you are living would not qualify as your domicile .
4 ‘ You ca n't be certain you 're right and there is the greatest temptation to put them off and not to take them .
5 Perhaps you were right and there is a demon fundamentalist within us all , which we need to be constantly battle against — or at least made aware of .
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