Example sentences of "you [vb mod] be [v-ing] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , you may be feeling depressed and lethargic , yet love the gentle , relaxing aroma of sandalwood .
2 For when you feel ‘ ungrounded ’ , especially after a bout of flu when you may be feeling light-headed and distant : 15 drops patchouli , 5 drops ginger .
3 You may be suffering from " phonetic nervousness " and hearing or recording distinctions which are n't really there , or , on the other hand , you may be missing important distinctions .
4 You may be studying particular aspects of business or wanting to spend a couple of very pleasant hours learning about a new environment .
5 ‘ We have reason to believe you may be carrying controlled drugs about your person . ’
6 You must be getting awful cabin-fever stuck in all day , ’ said Emma , as they pushed through the lancing wind .
7 You must be getting old .
8 Securicor have joined the cowboys on the contract guarding and really I mean you must be getting sick of us getting up every time about security guards , but it 's an important problem and you must know that a lot of you must work at places where you 've got guards on the gate and we all should take a bit of interest in going to see these guards , find out that they 're working for two pound or two pound forty an hour , they 're working as many hours a week as they 'll actually work with no overtime rate , no night rate , no benefits worth having and I mean really I wish you 'd go to your companies and try and arrange site allowances , cos that 's the only way we 'll get any improvements , but when we talk about resolving grievances , we just took in Yorkshire region someone to a tribunal for constructive dismissal .
9 ‘ I mean , you must be sleeping rough .
10 In that voice of hers , that warm low voice , she said , ‘ I know you must be feeling sad so often , that was a bad thing your grandmother dying so soon . ’
11 You must be feeling sick … ’
12 Well , you must be feeling sick ! ’
13 It 's normal for you to feel flattered by his attentions , as you must be feeling lonely after the loss of your husband , but your son-in-law should know better .
14 ‘ His Royal Highness is quite right , Sharpe , you should be wearing Dutch uniform . ’
15 By the time your young dog is about six months old you should be developing other commands which will form part of its outdoor training requirements , in preparation for allowing the dog off its leash .
16 You should be getting similar answers to similar questions .
17 So if you are trying to decide how to provide your favourite clients and clients-to-be with an enjoyable and memorable time this summer , within the limitations of your latest budget cut , perhaps you should be considering corporate sailing .
18 If you leave your car , even if not for long , you should be taking necessary precautions .
19 You should be feeling confident , bold and assertive now making this an ideal time for meeting your boss or bank manager and getting support for a new idea , concept or venture that you 're sure is a winner .
20 You should be feeling cheerful — Easter Sunday 's a special day . ’
21 But instead of reading aeroplane comics and moping around you should be making sure your pride and joy is in a fit state to survive the winter — and ready for any of those all too infrequent sharp-edged days that appear out of nowhere and vanish just as quickly .
22 But erm do n't forget that all these things are erm a little bit dodgy at your ages , I do n't think you should be making big transfers at this stage , simply because you may need the money .
23 So I do n't think I should be saying , if I was working as an advisor on your behalf , I do n't think you should be making big transfers at this stage , because it 's always dodgy .
24 That 's an unmarried daughter that you should be giving due recognition to for the efforts that she may have put in .
25 Age , because you might be considering well , er , if something happens dramatically , at say fifty , fifty two , or something like that , you might just go and retire , so you would be set up in that respect .
26 Sterotabs Extra , £3.75 for 30 tablets , are more powerful and one tablet will purify 25 ltr of water in 10 minutes — particularly good for camping holidays when you might be using large plastic water containers .
27 ‘ Trust your Uncle Jack , ’ he shouted , ‘ you 'll be drinking apricot brandy for Christmas .
28 He laughed and added , ‘ Take more water with it next time … you 'll be seeing pink elephants next time .
29 You have the sense that , from now on , you 'll be travelling on a different line , you 'll be seeing different views through the window .
30 You 'll be wantin' extra milk . ’
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