Example sentences of "you [vb base] [adv] [verb] from " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's a bit scary that he 's such a big star — I would n't want to be because you get so isolated from everybody , without much contact with normal people , ’ she says .
2 What I think I 'm looking for is some evidence that the severity of the infrastructure problems to which you refer actually varies from one district to another .
3 So I started in quite enthusiastically , but as you 've probably gathered from Con , I did n't succeed . ’
4 But as I said , you 've probably come from the P A Y E back , background where people have made the decisions for you .
5 How d " you always manage to look like you 've just escaped from a hair-pulling battle ?
6 ‘ In the car you 've just come from , madam , ’ I answered helpfully .
7 If you remove the piece of rib you 've just knitted from the machine and then compare its width with the width of the needles in working position , you 'll see what I mean .
8 ‘ But you 've just driven from Paris !
9 But if this is what love does to you , it 's perhaps just as well you 've never suffered from the malady before . ’
10 You 've obviously come from a happy , loving family , ’ said Wendy .
11 But it 's rather surprising that is n't it cos er a a lot of these er songs that you sing actually came from America .
12 You have doubtless heard from time to time some little of my movements on this side of the globe and if I have not written more fully and frequently to my friends in England I trust this will be attributed to the very pressing engagements which have fully occupied my time and mind .
13 Tonight , as a cold wintry blizzard rages outside , our hearts are warm with the satisfaction of the continuing public service which you have all enjoyed from your own station CHAB , and which the C.B.C .
14 … this may arrive after you have perhaps heard from others .
15 If you have recently changed from a 16-bit computer ( something like an Atari ST or an Amiga ) to a PC , you will have suddenly found yourself face to face with DOS ( Disk Operating System ) , and this will most probably be Microsoft 's DOS 5 ( MS-DOS 5 ) .
16 I said ‘ jolly good luck , and if you need any help from me , do n't hesitate to call ’ . ’
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