Example sentences of "you [adv] [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But maybe ye 'll be different , ye just want a taste of the exotic life and then ye 'll go back to the big time . ’
2 ‘ Did ye ever meet a man called Borgalini ?
3 D' ya really have a bath you do do n't you ?
4 Wid ye jist take a keek oot o' that windae and lukk at whit the silly bitch is daein' noo !
5 Ye always said ye never needed a doctor . ’
6 With him there you were never baulked ; you rarely got a clout from your opposite number and you never had the middle jumper leaning forward to nab your ball .
7 There are others who never will , and you 'll have a constant battle to establish you right to have a share in making decisions , and knowing where the money goes .
8 I 'll run you home ; or would you rather have a brandy ? ’
9 Would you rather have a cup of tea ?
10 Would you rather have a job ?
11 Would you rather have a woman on the throne of England ? ’
12 Do n't you , almost , you can almost hear behind the text saying , would n't you rather have a woman like that
13 Would n't you rather have a woman with a mind of her own ?
14 Or would you rather see a flick ? ’
15 Building up relationships was very much like collecting little islands — you jumped from one to another to another to another — and if you were lucky you eventually had a network .
16 That two hit men had waylaid you and that we were making our escape when you suddenly had a brainstorm and accused me of being in league with them ?
17 pink and are really lovely for a bit and then you suddenly get a wind
18 You suddenly got a tape machine stuck on
19 Or try the heart-in-mouth sensation when you 're strolling with your lover at some secret rendezvous and you suddenly see a neighbour across the street or your husband 's car waiting at the lights .
20 You obviously know a lot of people in the trade . ’
21 You obviously know a lot about writing , ’ said Zeinab .
22 You obviously did a lot of work for that .
23 I mean you might decide you wo n't save anything if you only got a pound or you wo n't buy any presents or you wo n't buy any sweets .
24 I was interested in all this for the simple reason that as something that takes your fancy passes you , you only get a glimpse .
25 See , er now , coming to that , holidays , er you only had a week 's holiday , with no pay .
26 You only make a fool of yourself when you try and speak in public .
27 Now you only used a pen to sign your name — a role for which the elegant , smooth script of the fountain pen was admirably suited .
28 You only need a pound a head .
29 One thing that can be said for this type of control is that you only need a minimum of movement in the pot to switch between crunch and scream .
30 With plastic pipe , you only need a hacksaw , but concrete ones need special pipe cutters .
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