Example sentences of "you [verb] got [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But before you do you 've got to look at the material in the working file .
2 But we and there was erm , and there was another one and you 'd got to do about erm some , someone gets kidnapped and erm you have to do it , and they ha some somebody finds out and they erm rescue the
3 So , if I pass my er printed overheads for this one an allowance er , is , and you were talking about it really , you were using this as though it were going to be er , your money that you 'd got to spend for doing each one of those activities or each bit of work within the , the project .
4 Now when we was between sixteen and eighteen if you was unemployed you 'd got to go to school .
5 And er but at er there you 'd got to go for the other two years , and some parents were rather wondering whether that left you late in the queue for a job , because jobs were very difficult .
6 Oh I had about a shilling pocket money I think , although they used , they 'd fine you , they 'd stop money off you if you were late if you were a quarter of an hour late you could n't go in and erm until , and then you 'd got to explain to your mums , well that you were some money short you see , why is this , and we had to say well we were a bit late getting in when you started out soon enough you see .
7 Oh oh yeah well there was no option , you 'd got to cos you dare n't speak you 'd oh er friendly in our lunch break you know er dinner break really we did n't have lunch time erm we were all friendly together and er as I say er we got on alright , but you 'd er you 'd got to stick at your job absolutely you dare n't move oh , they do n't know they are born today
8 Just because you eat blasted snails does n't mean you 've got to behave like one ! ’
9 You 've got to relax in that situation .
10 The last part of the resolution is it 's actually taking up the area , where at the present time we have n't got a D S O. It seems stupid that you go into a school and you can clean , clean their classrooms , cut their grass and look after their , do their grounds maintenance , cook the kids ' dinners , but you ca n't do any minor repairs , you 've got to call in another organisation .
11 You 've got to wait for Doctor to come along and give you permission .
12 You 've got to wait for your money have n't you ?
13 Ah , yo you 've got to wait for your cup of tea erm , they 've sort of gone a bit cold .
14 that , if you leave and that car comes and signals left , it means that you 've got to wait for it to go in , in case it does n't you know what I mean .
15 And whether the erm the kind of ideology or the ideas are christian or Marxist erm you 've got to wait till the overwhelming mass of the people see that truth before er it can be effective .
16 So , if you 're in to see your doctor at five at night and get a script , you 've got to wait until two the next day .
17 Well you 've got to brush on the
18 You 've got to mention in Scotland the one thing that we 've got to be proud of is the children 's panel system because
19 Pan Books ' spokesman Martin Neild tells me : ‘ I would n't like to comment officially , because it 's so terribly difficult to tell — you 've got to take into account overseas sales , borrowings from foreign libraries and so on . ’
20 What you 've got to take into account is that , an all , there 's an awful lot of things that you get when your unemployed that stop when you find a job .
21 So nobody actually goes until the bell goes , but you need to be listening Matthew because you do n't know what you 've got to take to the party yet .
22 Oh and you 've got to take for Mrs fourteen pounds for the erm violin exam .
23 The things you 've got to watch for are , that you keep a decent balance of familiar and unfamiliar ones , people complain whichever way you
24 Thank you , oh sorry , erm explain come forward , sometimes you 've got to watch for to erm
25 And also why you 've got to talk to people , you know get your problems out in the open rather than let them build up and all of a sudden just say right , that 's it , out the gates , or down tools .
26 ‘ Angel , you 've got to talk to her — you 've got to tell her you forgive her .
27 But you 're not , you 're not allowed to talk to it see , you 've got to talk to each other .
28 You 've got to talk with her .
29 You 've got to talk about something intellectual for a change !
30 Yeah , I , you may laugh but you see if you 're writing stories for a , for a young child then you 've got to be explicit , you 've got to be colourful and you 've got to talk in a basic language that that child will talk that like that at that age .
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