Example sentences of "you [verb] [vb pp] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 You got fed regularly and women waited on you and asked you how you felt .
2 Well you would n't say that if you got knocked down and broke your thigh would you ?
3 ‘ Do you ever wish you 'd farmed rather than going in for horses ? ’
4 ‘ Found you 'd hung up and did n't put her receiver on properly , ’ suggested Iris .
5 like before the break when you want to have a permanent record of what you 'd done so that you ca n't turn round and say well I do n't remember them conversation
6 They came to tell me that you 'd gone under before they could help you .
7 You 'd gone home and only Monica was left in the building with me .
8 ‘ I told her you 'd given up and gone home .
9 you 'd slept alright or not ?
10 It 's a little lad and I I looked through a window , I could see Judith holding this baby but you had to walk round to get to her and I knew before you 'd got there and you were all over the moon about this little baby and everything
11 If the average life expectancy is about seventy years , how many years have you got left now and how are you going to get the most from them ?
12 Yes Oh you look stuffed up as I am .
13 Working womens ' organisations you get co-opted on and the , we were known for the way , the business-like way we run our meeting you know .
14 Or you get thrown out and he says it 's the end of it .
15 you get settled in and out you know our life story in n it ?
16 You may feel ready to embark on more strenuous exercise ; but do talk to your doctor before you get carried away if you have a history of heart trouble or high blood pressure , or any other health problems such as bronchitis or emphysema .
17 It 's a bit of a bummer really but you know when you 've got it on and you 're talking , cos I was telling jokes and you get carried away and you start thinking wah and you start telling all the jokes and everything there 's a , a lot of swearing on this tape , a lot of swearing , a lot of swearing .
18 I 'm a singer and I have on several occasions sung at male only Burns suppers which means you get wheeled in after the meal is over , and then wheeled out again after that , which does n't worry me at all
19 if you get pulled over and they realize it 's false then you 're well shagged apart from just driving a car you 're also done for fraud .
20 Other useful people may be the secretary of a committee you 've served on or someone you 've done temporary work for .
21 One seems to have heard it all and I 'm sure you 've heard before that I 've , I 've to say .
22 Could I take er , a minute and , and just try and look at the steps that you 've gone through and I , I tried to write down as you were doing it , giving your presentation , the steps which I think everybody eventually went through either formally or informally and I think if we look at these steps you 'll agree yes , I needed that and I did that or , we did n't do it formally .
23 And then you have n't ruined wallpaper that you 've gone out and bought especially .
24 right , but we 've never covered all this see , you 've picked bits up as you 've gone along and another thing you should never give a choice of something and nothing you should always give a choice of something and something else
25 But once you 've gone down and turned left then turned right and gone ahead
26 ‘ But Frank , ’ said Bathsheba miserably , ‘ do you realize you 've lost more than a hundred pounds in a month with this awful horse-racing ?
27 ‘ You can release all the mental strain that you 've built up when psyching your self up for a marathon , ’ she says .
28 Right now as you 've seen you 're , you 're quite erm covered in most departments there but as you 've seen today that er you would like that extra bit of life cover for yourself
29 Course it , by the time you , you 've got , you 've cashed up and everything
30 They all , they all think it 's so unfair , do n't they , that 's right , yes , oh well at least you 've stood again and , and , and on your feet , that 's alright , O K.
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