Example sentences of "you [verb] [adv] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A plane cabin tries to fool you with the same set-up , but suddenly it meets turbulence , bumps and jolts , and three hundred of you sit there thinking of the drop beneath .
2 And when you get to the branch you get your bumf and you sit there looking through all the bumf .
3 You sit there gazing into mine .
4 And you walk away going like this you know ooh let's squeeze my legs in as much as possible !
5 Well I was looking at you and I 'm snarling at you stop bloody messing like you always are messing .
6 You look utterly ravishing to me .
7 My lady looks pale nigh unto death and you stand there gabbling like a half-wit . ’
8 But had you had presumably training in all these things
9 We 've got six months work just wai you know just going through the process at the moment .
10 You know like going to Cleethorpes and back , how you do
11 It 'd got to the stage where the workforce were not gon na talk to the management on a an official level , you know we were still talking informally at the picket line and , you know still trying to be helpful and offer our advice on what could be done to solve the dispute .
12 You know that if the score 's above the mean do n't worry , I 've got an overhead for this , that 's if the score 's above the mean then i you know relatively speaking to the mean it 's high right ?
13 If they come up with a question maybe just find out what 's being it erm not just reaction to a particular behaviour , but asking them how the feeling , you know maybe pointing to the bit in their body that 's actually feeling butterflies or whatever and trying to help them to express the fears and , more importantly , to make them concrete in terms of play , drawing , or acting it out .
14 So what the fucking hell are you doing here apologizing for apologizing for a drug .
15 Erm so how much time are you spending just going to the school ?
16 You can perform relaxation exercises lying down but we would prefer if you try initially sitting in a comfortable armchair .
17 ‘ How can you stand there talking about bits of paper and profits and money … money , ’ she made the word into an excrescence , ‘ when what you are doing is playing with a human soul .
18 Listening once to him on the Bench I recalled an occasion when the aged and formidable boys ' maid who looked after our rooms had stood with arms akimbo accusing him of some peccadillo , and ended her tirade : " Mr Phillimore , do n't you stand there lying like Ananias ! "
19 ‘ Why are you standing there looking like a startled deer ?
20 From the moment I answered my door and found you standing there glaring at me . ’
21 You did right coming through Adam 's Creek , ’ Wayne said .
22 If you do much watering by can a long way from a tap , get a matching pair , each holding 2 gallons .
23 You do enough mumbling to yourself at the back of the shop when the child 's around , but when it comes to something constructive … ’
24 ‘ How dare you come here throwing around such dirty lies ?
25 There appears to be no method more reliable to check the degree of redness , pinkness or greyness that you desire then sticking in your knife into the thickest point of the meat .
26 You come here talking to me about Vicente Ortiz , about a document he may or may not have given to Tristram and which Tristram may or may not have sent to Beatrix .
27 You need firmly taking in hand . ’
28 ‘ There was evidence from your passport in the trial that you travelled worldwide going to Madrid , Tokyo and the United States .
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