Example sentences of "you [verb] [noun prp] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Which is the advice you 'd get if you asked Elonex to supply you with an accounting package .
2 D' you want Carrie to show you ? ’
3 " You want Christ to help you now , do you ? "
4 Where in a hotel might you use CCTV to help you manage ( which is what efficient communication is all about ) ?
5 Other times he will take you to visit places more wonderful than you could ever dream of Would you like Swan to take you home now ?
6 Press reports suggest that the new DOS will include a revised boot procedure , allowing you to bypass CONFIG.SYS to process it line by line .
7 You 're gon na show me these things before you get Kath to print them are n't you ?
8 You 've got ta let new birth within you allow God to bring you to life , to new life .
9 Yeah but it was n't done in a , in an enthusiastic manner it was like a sort of well who do you know like friend , family that sort of thing and at the beginning I thought you was a bit more positive but I thought when you were revisiting the , the planning the future that might have been nerves right at the beginning of the session , you then relaxed and your pace all slowed down , excellent at reminding er Jim picked up referrals mentioned earlier , handled the objection okay , do n't remember you asking Jim to contact them beforehand do n't think you did , Jim did he ?
10 And you persuaded Garvey to keep us on , unpaid , like prisoners , for fear we raised the countryside against you !
11 Could I come when you take Marcus to see it ?
12 can erm you ask Matt to get me some tomato soup
13 Well will you ask Steven to call me back ?
14 Why did n't you ask Robert to fetch him ? ’
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