Example sentences of "you [verb] [conj] [vb base] it " in BNC.

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1 If you want to watch Play Bus you sit and watch it .
2 At a push , you could use a disk editor , such as the one included with Norton Utilities , to recover files — just hunt down the file you want and copy it to a new file .
3 What you want and want it not too late , …
4 It is a nice feeling to be in a candy store but until you decide what you want and buy it the nice feeling does not turn into a nice taste .
5 You arrange the material into the order you want and have it photocopied , preferably using a photocopier that does the collating for you .
6 When a search is completed up to twelve small images will be displayed on the lower area of the screen , you can then choose the one you want and enlarge it so that it appears on the screen together with any relevant background information .
7 If you holler and scream it all gets used up .
8 I 'll forget the interest you owe and cross it off the book as paid . ’
9 F er your bodywork was er it was cut off You measured and cut it off with your er at the at the mill , and er , of course , then when it got to the er you cut it You know , when you got it to the er your waggon , you put it in and , of course , then you 'd got to bore all the holes by hand for the bolts to go in , to fit in .
10 You do n't have to show your master plan to anyone , but if you complete and update it periodically you will achieve so much more .
11 If you adopt that approach it is inevitable that there 's going to result dereliction and sterilization of land .
12 By the weekend , however , you 'll have the reassurance you crave and see it 's all just been a storm in a teacup .
13 Yeah , you know that put it where and the money just keeps dropping out
14 And we 're going to find the person that did it you know cos last it was no , no smoking in the toilets and then there 's no smoking dope in the toilets
15 She said on the fourteenth , you know and give it to you then .
16 However carefully you maintain and repair it , electric fencing deteriorates , and , apart from the electric pulse units , must be replaced every six or seven years .
17 Never neglect to thank a coblynau for indicating the whereabouts of ore deposits , else the next time you visit that tunnel it will be barred with mounds of stones .
18 Well if you , if you dialled and put it down and walked away from it then it rings , oh
19 Design a template for each type of document that you produce and save it as a separate file — even if it is only your name and address and other information about the page layout and design .
20 The rich peasant I 'm gon na save some money right , I 'm got ta finance industry so we mechanize so you collectivize and take it all of me .
21 ‘ You 'd better have a mechanic check it over before you try and drive it . ’
22 Cos , when you try , if you try and control it on the accelerator it 's very , it 's really jerky
23 The , I would generally advise that you try and keep it fairly trim at the front .
24 If you try and fudge it and set up three or four , say they can all discuss the same thing , you are building in the ability for major conflicts .
25 Go on then you try and pull it out of us , that 's what I 'm trying to do look
26 Yeah , it 's just keeps dropping out when you try and turn it !
27 Mm I think if you try and do it here , so you make it into a shoe shape , you curl it all up into a shoe shape , where do you think it 's going to go ?
28 And most of it If you try and do it with sort of the squiggles on the paper .
29 Now this is set up differently cos this is set up very sensibly , so that you can fill in who wrote it , when , what date and what it 's about , and when you try and find it later it 's easier to find instead of scrapping through lots of files that do n't have a long document .
30 Oh you need staples well Mrs has the stapler , if you go and borrow it , how you going to cut that up ?
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