Example sentences of "you [verb] [prep] [verb] me " in BNC.

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1 Well go on then , what else you got ta tell me ?
2 Oh wait , let's see what you got ta tell me today .
3 I gave you three for the bird box , you got ta deliver me a bird box
4 So I got ta give you the hundred back , you got ta give me five back .
5 Mummy you got ta help me dress !
6 You got ta kill me .
7 You 've been good to me , Peter , I would n't want to see you hurt by having me around . ’
8 You know nothing about me , and yet you insist on crediting me with a lifestyle more likely your own ! ’
9 Do you really expect me to believe that it 's out of respect for my position that you insist on calling me Mr Vass ? ’
10 She sighed , wondering why the mere thought of it made her feel depressed , then she turned to Silas and said hastily , ‘ So there 's no need for you to worry about taking me to see a kiwi .
11 It is probably too delicate to ask the principal the final question : How much of your time will you give to instructing me ? — but you may be able to find out the probabilities from any other articled clerks in the firm .
12 Reinforcement occurs when I help you in some way and you reciprocate by helping me .
13 Of course he opposed the Reform Bill itself , yet said in a letter to Crabb Robinson ( 5 February 1833 ) : ‘ You mistake in supposing me an Anti-Reformer — that I never was , but an Anti-Bill man , heart and soul . ’
14 You got ta believe me , it 's not that . ’
15 ‘ Why do you insist on seeing me in this horrible way ? ’ she finished up .
16 Where are you calling from let me have a look up there .
17 If you feel like showing me a few pages in a day or two , I would be pleased , and I 'm sure your other readers out there would be fascinated by a full autobiography .
18 I 'll have you arrested for harassing me . ’
19 Refusing to rise to the bait , she visualised and counted ten elephants , a hangover habit from her childhood , then , her voice tightly controlled , asked , ‘ Would you please explain why you insisted on bringing me here instead of taking me to the Trevi ? ’
20 You think by keeping me here you can drive me wild with need . ’
21 You left without seeing me ; you have n't seen me since . ’
22 ‘ First of all why do n't you start by telling me just exactly what it was that upset you today ? ’
23 ‘ How much are you thinking of paying me ? ’
24 Were you thinking of visiting me this morning ? ’
25 If you persist in interrupting me , it is unlikely in the extreme that I will have sufficient time to give you the complete picture which you say you are so anxious to get !
26 Hey Rob do you wan na lend me fifty P ?
27 Do you wan na tell me what number it is ?
28 I do n't feel pleasure , I do n't feel pain , if you wan na knock me down , I just get up again .
29 Well if you wan na see me tonight
30 ‘ Ma , you wan na hear me sing my song ? ’
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