Example sentences of "you [modal v] [be] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ye might be a boy , ’ he said .
2 You may be a dragon , but I am a child .
3 ‘ After all , ’ Tealtaoich had said silkily , ‘ you may be a bastard , my friend , but you are a High Queen 's bastard and you were sired by a Wolf .
4 You may be a help later . ’
5 You may be a sign that avoids deep , dark and passionate waters but often what you most fear turns out to be the best thing for you .
6 Or you may be a carer looking for help to enable you to take a break , either for regular short spells , or to go on holiday or in an emergency .
7 ‘ Papa says you may be a murderer , ’ was her ingenuous opening gambit .
8 Then you may be a victim of ‘ Sick Building Syndrome ’ ( SBS ) ( honest ! ) .
9 You may find yourself having to take notes at a meeting , you may be a student or engaged in research , so here are some hints to help with your note-taking technique .
10 You may not be a salaried person at all , you may be a student or a retired person with no mortgage left to pay .
11 You may be an artist , a photographer , or a skilled embroiderer , but whatever you are , a wonderful sunset will find you watching awestruck .
12 If you 're Russian you must be a Communist .
13 If you 're Colombian you must be a drug dealer .
14 Thesiger 's response was typical of the man who had endured the searing heat , tongue-swelling thirst and bitter , skin-cracking cold of the desert : ‘ God , you must be a couple of pansies ’ , he said .
15 ‘ What is more , ’ he continued conversationally , ‘ you must be a member of the Luciferi .
16 I said you must be a member to handle money . .
17 You must be a Jew ! ’ he shouted , and turned away .
18 If you 're Libyan or Lebanese you must be a terrorist . ’
19 ‘ If you 're really pretending to be English , then you must be a terrorist , I suppose .
20 I think you must be a spirit .
21 Gav , you must be a Yorkie !
22 Gav , you must be a Yorkie !
23 If you can get it as good as that your first time up you must be a natural .
24 Now if you use that , that g gives the people the wrong impression that you must be a pensioner before you can join it , but this is not so .
25 You must be a foreigner from a distant and barbarous land !
26 So I goes , you must be a pervert too and you started laughing .
27 To qualify , you must be a practitioner ( or a group of practitioners ) working in education ( in Scotland ) whose normal job does not include doing research and who does not have the support available to those doing research as part of a degree or diploma .
28 She blinked , then laughed as she said , ‘ You must be a reader of thoughts , sir .
29 ‘ Here , in Kao Chen 's , we have an agreement , and you must be a party to it , Axel .
30 In here or out , there you must be an individual .
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