Example sentences of "you [be] [v-ing] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 How long have you been living at this address ?
2 Have you been chinking like this all the time I 've been gone ?
3 Yeah , actually se , I sa , actually she said oh what , have you been walking into this time ?
4 How long have you been waiting for this car , a while have n't you Spen ?
5 She says that she she lives in a on the estate on the outskirts of Mansfield have you been checking around that area ?
6 ‘ What on earth have you been doing to these ? ’
7 What 've you been doing to this poor soul ?
8 How long have you been working on that ?
9 We hmm , now , young ladies , how long have you been working on this ?
10 Since you since you came into the flats have you have you been working at all or have have you been erm
12 ‘ Have you been brooding over that .
13 If you buy a different second rod you will have to learn this all over again , but more important , when you are fishing with both rods you will never work with them instinctively .
14 There are some balloons available to be given away at suitable events ( not for sale ) — let me know if you are participating in any public event and would like some .
15 If you are scratching in weak lift , you may be able to see which way you have drifted after a few circles .
16 You are searching for damp and woodworm , for lack of maintenance , and for usability and quality , or lack of it .
17 These changes in facial colour are the most visible sign that you are reacting to each other .
18 You are submitting to male domination ? ’ he asked drily .
19 Remember , too , the theories relating to harmony and complementaries , and always be aware you are dealing with subtractive colour .
20 The er I I shall pull back slightly on that comment in that , if it 's jointly owned property it 's outside the will you therefore do n't have to prove the will to deal with that property , but if it is a large estate and you are dealing with other assets , when you do your inland revenue account you also have to refer to property you may have had the power of dealing while you were alive and that would include jointly owned property .
21 Whether you are dealing with small children or addressing a board meeting , getting information from the man who 's repairing your washing machine or closing a big deal with a new customer , you need to be able to put yourself and your message across .
22 This approach certainly helps you realize that you are dealing with another fallible human being .
23 Buying and caring for your new boat could n't be easier when you are dealing with Marine Secol .
24 ‘ The principles of good husbandry apply whether you are dealing with organic or inorganic methods , ’ he says .
25 You can use them arbitrarily when you are speaking to those who can neither verify the accuracy of the data , nor have sufficient knowledge of the situation from which they are drawn to appreciate their significance .
26 The turbulent wind behind a sail extends about five boards length downwind and if you are sailing in this area your speed can be as much as halved .
27 If you are sailing in this curved air flow you can not sail as close to the wind as you could if you had been in clear wind .
28 I know , of course , why you are inquiring about both women .
29 What effect will it have on any strain you are experiencing in any of your relationships ?
30 In this mode of organising an essay , you divide the issue you are addressing into conflicting positions , or points of view , or sides of an argument .
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