Example sentences of "that could [verb] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But so far — and this may be what you 're driving at — we have n't found evidence of anything that could explain her murder . ’
2 COLLEAGUES have rallied round to raise money to send blind toddler Leannda Ward , daughter of Courtaulds Fibres employee Chris Ward , to America for operations that could restore her sight .
3 She had dark curly hair with no sign of grey , and a certain shyness that could make her manner seem brusque .
4 Still prefers to work by himself — a trait of which he is aware , but one that could make him retreat into a bubble when he most needs help .
5 ONE OF Britain 's most successful offshore construction yards is in with a good chance of winning a major order that could secure its future for a year .
6 For the man at the centre of the police inquiry will be sitting on the committee that could decide their fate .
7 At this point in the exercise , the use of the instruments had revealed a number of factors in terms of the requirements of the IPS , and the problems that could affect its implementation and effectiveness .
8 He also has to check that there are no major road or other Local Authority plans that could affect your property .
9 He was aware of the risks involved and that he was embarking on a kind of unnecessary surgery that could threaten his life , but it was what he wanted .
10 However , there are a few problems that could hamper your enjoyment .
11 So I drove to Portsmouth expecting a great camel of the ocean , a small luxury liner even , at least a boat that could hold its head up in the seafaring world .
12 Mr Rockman , a lieutenant in the segregated Coloured suburb of Mitchell 's Plain , announced the formation of the union days before a disciplinary hearing that could end his career .
13 THE brand new cars that are two years old , slimmers ' meals that are full of fat , holidays at the seaside that could damage your health .
14 The industry howls , then writes its own code to pre-empt any that could change its marketing practices .
15 WILLEM GERHARDUS HILLS filled his lungs with Yorkshire night air , raised his tracksuit collar against the biting cold and announced a decision that could change his life .
16 Do n't heat up bottles of formula in the microwave — there might be hidden ‘ heat spots ’ in it that could burn your baby 's mouth .
17 The President may be watching to see how long Mr Buchanan remains a contender , delaying as long as is necessary making an appointment that could fuel his opponent 's campaign .
18 The attractive Gwendraeth Valley in Carmarthenshire , for instance , faces a cluster of proposals that could devastate its countryside and culture .
19 The police hope new witnesses will come forward with information that could assist their investigation .
20 What demon was inside him that could take her soul from her with one look ?
21 The prestige audience would be won over by movies that could take their place alongside the middle-class novel and play .
22 They did not find oil and gas , merely thick sedimentary areas that could indicate their presence .
23 ERIC PETERS inspired Cambridge to a remarkable Twickenham triumph with a display that could book his place on the England squad plane to Lanzarote on December 31 .
24 the market circumstances are such that there are a number of alternative buildings in the locality that could suit their company ;
25 You need to pace yourself , so that you do not get carried away by the never-ending tasks that could fill your day with frenetic activity .
26 Causal attention to the way that a breeze moves the leaves on a tree would seem to make it quite unrealistic to think of having a theory that could predict their motion
27 Estall has made a serious mistake that could prove his undoing .
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