Example sentences of "that were [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Restrictive policies were introduced in all major countries in 1973 in response to the price acceleration of the mini-boom and the large wage claims that were beginning to be submitted in its wake .
2 They lie in why the restructuring took place and in the forms of ownership and capital structure that were assumed to be superior to the old .
3 Each had taken their cue , at some time or other , from the behaviours that were believed to be appropriate , and had developed to the point where they were thoroughly dysfunctional .
4 These were doubtless satisfactory for the individuals who had collected them and for a short period of time , until perhaps superseded by rulings that were seen to be more appropriate .
5 Machines that were seen to be at the forefront of technology just a few years ago are now readily replaced and cast-off with little or no second-hand value .
6 The question would be posed more specifically , distinguishing between the types of physical characteristics that were felt to be relevant to teaching and those , such as hair colour , which were not .
7 Very few pagan cemeteries were in use throughout the period , and those that were tend to be the large examples in eastern England which may have been centralised depositories , not belonging to individual settlements .
8 and Eoanthropus or ‘ Piltdown Man , ’ the jaw of an orangutan and the skull of a modern human that were claimed to be the ‘ earliest Englishman ’ .
9 Further changes were required to the to the office and to the practice generally er we wanted to maximise on the er er o on the benefits that were going to be derived and the qualities and the skills that we have already got in place er and we wanted to move towards market leadership .
10 In Study 3 subjects performed judgment tasks that were chosen to be unrelated to risk rating .
11 Environmental pressure groups , such as the Sierra Club , have used this right on several occasions to press the EPA to take action : for example , environmental groups argued through the courts that Congress intended the EPA regularly to issue air quality standards for pollutants that were judged to be widespread and hazardous to public health .
12 What a complete condemnation of the Thatcherite policies that were attempted to be brought in by the controlling group opposite .
13 And so we know that particles that were thought to be " elementary " twenty years ago are , in fact , made up of smaller particles .
14 These were the areas that were found to be predominantly ‘ satisfactory ’ .
15 The sample used was of large companies that were known to be at the leading edge in terms of corporate planning practices .
16 Thirdly , targeted industries should have markets that were known to be price and income elastic and would offer long-term growth , in contrast to the low value-added products that were the usual sources of stagnation in Asian economies .
17 Oh well when I got back from I sat in there for about an hour cos the new girls that were meant to be sleeping in there slept in Zoey and Lucy 's room .
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