Example sentences of "that we [verb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It may be that we felt this time we ought to have voted Labour , that this was the more altruistic , moral , even noble , choice .
2 It 's the richness of the language — that we know more filth than anybody else .
3 But it may be that what we do is is as you say that we Does that guidance thing give general broad headings ?
4 and you know what it was n't one of his objections at all , you know the video that we saw that morning
5 David ( Narcizo ) always says that we trust this music more than we trust our own bodies .
6 We shall look at some of them in the next chapter , but before closing this one it might be pertinent to speculate why it was in St. John 's Gospel , of all places , that we get such stress laid on the Spirit as Paraclete .
7 So I would first urge that we get that paper out to us as soon as possible .
8 I think what we actually want is more people who are more in tune with working people and their hopes , and their dreams and their aspirations , and tha in , in parliament , in the House of Commons than we 've got at the moment and so the motion I 'm putting forward which is to propose that we actually look at the Parliamentary Panel and make sure we get a few decent shop stewards in the House of Commons , a few people who got experience of actually being on the shop floor , a few people who got experience in the last fourteen years , that the last four Conservative governments have actually tried and defend and fight for the interests of working people right down the grass root , those are the people that we actually need in the House of Commons and we shall be looking at our Parliamentary Panel and we shall be looking at it very seriously to ensure that we get those sort of people onto that Parliamentary Panel and those sort of people into the House of Commons , that 's the best way to represent working people in Britain today and that 's the sort of contribution the G M B should be making .
9 But I do I think that would be very useful but we 've got to make sure that we get this assessment started , so , if we do n't get round to eighth year then that 's tough !
10 Besides , it 's not absolutely essential that we get this device before leaving with the bomb — always assuming , of course , that we do leave .
11 ‘ It is imperative that we get another convoy in , and without the delays this first one experienced . ’
12 Come evening time , after half-a-dozen more flickering Trek videos and prior to the conference party , I suggested that we get some wine/beer from the off licence .
13 We have made it clear that we regard this scheme as flawed since it fails to provide to those who are legally aided that to which the Act entitled them , namely that solicitors they select will be properly remunerated .
14 I wish to move an amendment which is erm , that we defer any decision on this until the property , the director of property services has made his report to the property sub- committee on the erm , future , stroke to the organisation , which is th , the subject of his next report to property sub- committee .
15 That we owed each other nothing . ’
16 certain of the elements combine so naturally and with so powerful an effect that we pursue that path of combination as a path in its own right and forget about the problem we are trying to solve .
17 In the morning , Maggie proposes that we smuggle some gear to Crilly .
18 It is important that we help each other tell the truth about who we are and what we 've done .
19 ‘ In the present circumstances it is enough that we help each other , neh ? ’
20 We would also like to thank our two male contributors and to say again that we welcome any article from anyone at anytime .
21 And I think I would recommend that , that we support that line .
22 I 'm gon na need a pension when I reach the age of sixty , sixty five I recommend that we support this motion and vigorously campaign for pensions for everybody on an equal status .
23 The drama thing , so I 'm a se a section hand already on that and I 've even got a , well we 're supposed to listen to it tomorrow , we 've got a tutor period instead , so it means that we miss another lesson
24 Erm both the Labour and the Liberal parties , erm think it 's extremely important that we maintain this provision for the curriculum pupils who might wish to have petition early and we will maintain in full so the current level of provision under section eleven will be May next year , which puts a large sum on the money into that , this is growth in expenditure , the making up of government cuts , increasing the money we 're spending , it 's not increasing service , it 's simply continuing the current current policies but it will continue as it is now .
25 To everyone else on the list , I 'd ask that we ignore this provocation and get on with business as usual .
26 It is a modest mark of our gratitude to those with gifts and skills of writing that we make this increase to the Public Lending Right … ’
27 So that 's where the money 's going , and we 're hoping that we make enough money in sponsorship so that the money we earn , people will know that it 's all going out to help the projects we want to , and it 's not being wasted on administration , especially after there 's been erm a bit of a debark over Sting 's money , where only 5% went to the Indians and also the Rainforest Foundation has since collapsed , so our head-office is going to be absolutely stringent about making sure that the money is spent where we 've asked it to be spent .
28 And what I 'm saying is that we make less cracker but with the advertising we 're doing doing at the moment , in the magazine and Yellow Pages and I just want to kind I 'm going to talk to you about what other ways of advertising .
29 My right hon. and hon. Friends must take stronger action in concert with our European partners to show the world that we take this situation much more seriously than many people in Yugoslavia seem to think .
30 The spokesman said : ‘ I can assure Mr Grainger that we take these sort of allegations very seriously indeed and the matter will be thoroughly investigated . ’
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