Example sentences of "that we [verb] [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 One of the problems that we 've suffered from in the past was some level of inconsistency which we 've now put to bed .
2 Can I just clarify , what , what you 're saying is that in a sense there is this overall aim of getting through to socialism but the means of getting there have now changed so that we 've gone from absolute egalitarianism , which is , is an immediate step tow towards socialism you 've gone away from that and the position is now to create a rich peasant economy in order to industrialize , in order to get through to collectivization , I E into socialism .
3 It 's nothing to do with anything that we 've heard from others .
4 that we 've seen from St John Rivers .
5 We have a di , a different picture , and we make up erm pictures like you see o on these crime programmes , the videofits of suspects , you 've all seen them where th , you know got the lines between the nose and , and the mouth they are made up of the information that we 've gained from witnesses .
6 So all the rhetoric that we 've had from this government about better performance N H S , more people being seen by the N H S , that must be read against the fact that over a million people are , or a million patients , are er waiting on N H S waiting lists .
7 Because it 's a word that we 've borrowed from the french word .
8 Er we showed him one or two examples of similar sorts of presentations that we 'd had from other railway and outside organizations , er explained what we 'd done in the past , said that we were looking to get something more up-market and more erm professional , which was why we were looking to er er seek er quotes from er g graphics designers , linked in with printers .
9 There w–s no sense that we had passed from the holy world of church to secular life : there was a wholeness and a holiness about the whole experience which is difficult to describe .
10 I am genuinely sorry , for I am heartily thankful that we have escaped from the small-mindedness of the medieval church and I despise modern astrologers , but I am afraid that the rhetoric about backwaters in the previous paragraph is just empty rhetoric .
11 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for raising such a point , rather than displaying the ridiculous opposition that we have seen from Labour , which still seems pledged to getting rid of some of the finest schools in the state education system .
12 That 's not a problem that I can actually deal with er but Wales certainly er you know takes the sort of interest in Europe that we have seen from most of the Conservative speakers er in trying to sum up this debate you have to refer to them er of not being able to show , there 's a definite sort of anti European theme coming through from most of the speakers from the back benches who 've chosen to take part in this debate tonight from the other side and it 's difficulty to avoid summing up the debate without some reference to the points that they have made which is in complete contrast to the attitude that we have erm in Wales er towards Europe and that we are .
13 Does he reject the comments that we have heard from the Opposition which have much more to do with their courting votes than with human rights ?
14 They will rightly look to a Labour Government who will not look at the matter in the narrow economic calculus that we have heard from Conservative Members but will recognise that , unless we are prepared to accept the role of women in the labour force , we will fail as an economy to receive and achieve our full potential .
15 Even if the election is postponed until July , the Government will not be able to maintain the line that we have heard from the Dispatch Box .
16 What is new is that we have moved from too few qualified nurses coming to work in the operating theatres , to not enough people entering nursing .
17 With regard to bids to become technology schools , my hon. Friend will be heartened by the quality of the bids that we have received from individual schools , including some exceptionally good schools in Labour-controlled areas .
18 Stefano Tani has already pointed out that Calvino 's idea of observation , within his wider poetic of ‘ seeing ’ , is a different matter from the ‘ impassive and indifferent , basically blind , gaze that we have inherited from the nouveau roman ’ .
19 Any traces have been obliterated by the advance of the ethos that we have inherited from our Cro-Magnon ancestors .
20 The hypothesis appears to be that we have inherited from our animal ancestors the habit of discrimination , but have added an additional criterion , namely the conscious calculation of relatedness , to the criteria of propinquity , and perhaps physical and biochemical similarity , used by animals .
21 Not all of them I accept and they 've been very helpful and when it comes to erm any other issue , I think basically , unfortunately sir , I think that we have strayed from the debate , we 've strayed onto ethnic issues er er and I think it 's a shame Mr , there was no need to introduce that and of course it was bound to bring a backlash , it was bound to introduce it it it it 's coloured it it 's made opaque the issues because you make it complicated , in actual fact er er I think that er being a governor of a school , I think that 's absolutely marvellous that some youngsters the future , I think the future will decide , I think there are kids out there will turn round one day and say how could you have done that ?
22 The conclusion that we have drawn from these observations , which is supported by independent experimental evidence to be discussed below , is that although people expect ellipses to take their meanings from the preceding text , they do not derive that meaning solely from a representation of the superficial features of the preceding text .
23 Cost , not quality , ideology not competence , delivery for profit rather than service for people — those are the slogans that we have had from this regime .
24 Allowing for a degree of non-anomalous unusualness in the sentences ( such sequences are , for various reasons , rather difficult to construct ) it seems that we have got from John 's mouth to the mouth of the river without encountering zeugmatic incompatibility .
25 We know that we have passed from death to life because we love brother Christians ’ ( 3:13f ) .
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