Example sentences of "that we [vb base] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That 's not to say that we stop looking at it , and we 'll be looking in more and more detail at the workloads , matched up against the resources , as we get better information .
2 That centre for one of the staff who work there , make quite profound impact on the quality of life for many people living on our estates and I can not see anything more short sighted than denying access to the sorts of services and the sorts of pleasures that people can get from use of a community centre like that by cutting back on staffing so that we ca n't actually use the capital resources that we 've b the capital that we 've invested in facilities like that .
3 One of the problems that we 've suffered from in the past was some level of inconsistency which we 've now put to bed .
4 And er the er one thing that we 've understood between each other is that they all shivered pointing the English
5 But we do have a responsibility for value for money , and legality issues as well , and appendix eight of our paper actually summarises in brief form the work that we 've undertaken on your behalf this year .
6 I think the difference there is that we 're talking about we 're not talking inners and outers there , we 're talking about or certainly in terms of the consultation that we 've undertaken on the western route , it 's been different variations of a western route , there is n't an equivalent of a of an inner route for the for the western side .
7 Something tied up , something in there as a heading so every member of staff knows that at such and such a time they are working on a heading of environmental awareness I would like us to have a precis of what that 's gon na involve but , I sha n't worry if we have n't got that we 've moved on a step
8 erm That 's one point , the other point is of course , we have already targeted of course in working with the groups that we 've defined as erm ones whose health status is at risk in effect , so this is a supplement , this is actually translating those targets we have already defined into a locality planning exercise .
9 That 's something that we 've argued about a lot .
10 because the rules that we 've made for ourselves in maths , er we will , we 're about to break those .
11 Perhaps this is the new weather system that we 've made for ourselves .
12 I 'm talking about saving human life governments over the last twenty years , troops over the last twenty years , policemen over the last twenty years , laws over the last twenty years , and politicians , including myself , have all failed in all the efforts that we 've made including condemnation of violence , everything , but I am now saying that this dialogue is the best hope I 've seen or , surely I 'm entitled to say to the Prime Minister , alright given that I have said that why do n't you put me to the test ?
13 How can we think about something colouring our that does n't have anything to do with our bodies , nothing to do with our history , nothing to do with a particular that we 've gone through , nothing to do with our soul faculties .
14 erm do you think that the erm planning your future that we 've gone through this evening was er was of value to you ?
15 do you think the er the planning your future that we 've gone through this evening was of er particular value to you ?
16 so we staffed it but wi but we , but having said that we 've gone to Adwick
17 More importantly , it 's er conveys to the client that we care about quality , that we 've gone to the trouble to set up procedures which make our product as good as it possibly can be .
18 So I said well I 've never been in the situation but I said if it , if it was , if I was in that situation I , asked to see the manager or person in charge , make an offer to pay for any damage that was done and if that did n't suffice then I would say well I am the care officer for a Mencap home and the only thing I can do is say will you er get in touch with my boss and it 'll have to be sorted out from Head Office and she said perfect , you could n't do anything better , then she give me all different things that we 've gone into the next day and the patient 's done everything down the bed , what would you do ?
19 Can I just clarify , what , what you 're saying is that in a sense there is this overall aim of getting through to socialism but the means of getting there have now changed so that we 've gone from absolute egalitarianism , which is , is an immediate step tow towards socialism you 've gone away from that and the position is now to create a rich peasant economy in order to industrialize , in order to get through to collectivization , I E into socialism .
20 That is a stocking machine that we 've turned into an outer-wear machine .
21 Praise indeed , and you 'll find the traditional inns that we 've selected for your accommodation are every bit as good as the food they serve !
22 Among the ten African countries for which the appeal was made , there was a mix of hope , on the one hand , hope for progress in Eritrea or Liberia , Mozambique or Ethiopia and on the other hand , countries of despair Somalia that we 've heard about today , or southern Sudan and of course , Angola .
23 I think bearing in mind the clear intentions behind criteria two and the concern that we 've heard over the last three days about inward migration , it might be useful if we tag a rider onto erm criteria two .
24 It 's nothing to do with anything that we 've heard from others .
25 ‘ But there 's so much music that we 've heard throughout our lifetimes that it all shows up as an influence .
26 Then , for the following one we bought the first meals on wheels van so that with all the money that we 've collected for Harlow day we bought something out of the money .
27 As you know I 've er been holding a number of er small meetings with staff er and one of the questions I 've been asking is whether or not there has been a need for the building presentation that we 've done for a couple of years er and generally there was the view expressed that yes it was desirable but perhaps in a different format .
28 Jim there 's a Despatches programme on Channel Four next week where some of the work that we 've done on B S E is fea featured and my colleague 's been through it as well .
29 The work that we 've done on er the economy of the city , based on economic analysis which has been submitted as part of my findings , erm shows quite clearly a continued shift away from manufacturing towards service employment and a continuing need to promote new planned opportunities in locations well suited to the needs of the market .
30 We have the best policies to get this across , and the work that we 've done with and the European Commission , and we want to democratise that , is very positive .
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