Example sentences of "that she [vb past] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had this thing in my mind that she had to be in a place where I could get to her and she would be well looked after . ’
2 Much to the prince 's disgust the captain of the Du Teillay refused to join in the action for fear of endangering his passenger 's life , but the Elisabeth suffered 57 killed and 176 wounded and such serious damage that she had to be sent back to Brest , taking with her her precious cargo of arms and French volunteers .
3 But the fire in her body when she lay in bed thinking of him that night warned her that she had to be strong or she would n't be able to reject him if he tried again .
4 The vet said that nothing could be done to save her and that she had to be put down .
5 As it was , she went down so badly with flu that she had to be confined to her room for the duration .
6 Her strong competitive streak also meant that she had to be the most outrageous , the most rebellious and the most indisciplined girl in school .
7 But within a few days , all her mother 's youth and vigour were gone and the energetic , independent woman whose health and dependability she had taken for granted for so long had turned into a helpless invalid , unable to hold down the thinnest gruel , unable to sleep more than a few minutes at a time , unable even to answer the calls of nature on her own , so that she had to be lifted like a child onto the pot and lifted back into the jumble of stinking bedclothes .
8 Buzz sensed that she had to be careful , she had to box clever , she had to let Adam think she had accepted what he said and would go quietly .
9 He supposed that she had to be somewhere and he reminded himself that they were n't supposed to be together so what did it matter , but still he kept catching himself scanning the crowd for her .
10 The girl became so ill that she had to be taken away .
11 Over the next couple of days she discovered that she had to be careful not to think about Luke Scott .
12 In vain she had remonstrated with the powers that be that she had to be on the air in the Docklands by six , and when she finally pitched up , I had been put back on the phones for another session of ‘ And your address is — can you spell that please ? ’
13 While at the city 's Royal Hospital , he took a detour to the maternity ward , where he caused one woman to laugh so much that she had to be whisked away quickly for a premature birth .
14 And there was a lady in the , in his congregation he preached to masses , to thousands and thousands of people , and she came to him , she was , she was annoyed , she was a rather er , well-to-do lady , and she was offended at this this preaching that she had to be born again , and that people had to have this new birth experience .
15 was sitting comfortably on a low branch on a tall pine tree in the Wakefield 's back garden , she had her knees up round her chin and was leaning against the trunk , this was Elizabeth 's thinking seat , the place that she went to be alone , there was a lot to think about , tomorrow Mrs , Mr Davis her form teacher would announce the winner of the class essay contest .
16 And thus it was , that February evening , that she came to be standing at the top of the monumental sweep of the staircase , under the huge doorway , pausing for a moment , offering tribute to herself and all her gods .
17 And thus it was that she came to be , that February evening , standing at the top of the tower block staircase , leaning against the wall and panting a little from her climb , pausing for a moment and thinking gloomy thoughts about life and death .
18 And thus it was that she came to be , on that February evening , poised at the very crown of the hill in Kensington Gardens , looking down the hill , with her back to Bayswater and home and trembling with the fear that she had at last grown up .
19 Jean 's innate strength of character saw her fight the condition that she knew to be taking over her life .
20 She was cruelly obsessed with class and if her children had not come from a background that she knew to be reliable she would certainly have ignored them as she ignored the au-pair girls .
21 On 18 January 1984 she told a gathering of parliamentary lobby journalists that she wished to be remembered for breaking the consensus and tackling traditionally ‘ immune targets ’ .
22 Offers continued to roll in , some so tempting that I did not see how she could refuse them , but with four children now of whom none was over twelve , she was adamant that she wished to be with them , and this meant that we could move further afield .
23 Shy and unhappy , she one day went to sleep in the spare room , hoping that he would come in to find her , but he credited her with his own temperament and thought only that she wished to be alone .
24 She hoped that Constance would not embarrass her by telling Mick that she wished to be a kennel-maid : she 'd changed her mind anyway .
25 Nor that the reason she had sent Maggie to an all-girls ' school was not to protect her from evil-minded youths , but to protect her from the sort of teaching that she seemed to be getting .
26 The therapist pointed out to Liz that she seemed to be trying to get away from both the shop and the flat , and Liz then talked about her life with her boyfriend and that she felt she needed to start afresh .
27 He was somewhat consoled to find that she seemed to be genuinely interested .
28 Weirdly , the step turned into a kind of floating movement , so that she seemed to be somehow poised in the air for an instant .
29 Her gaze was dark , and hinted at some impossibly deep sense of pain ; and for a moment Lucy felt a certain regret , if not shame , at the way that she seemed to be ready to manipulate any situation for whatever advantage she could get .
30 Aunt Emily said , ‘ If you read it , dear child , it will take away your fear , ’ and Alexandra , stubbornly remembering Michael Swinton 's saying that she seemed to be working out her own salvation and feeling that the decision to read the journal must be part of that working out , shook her head and sent her needle stabbing in and out of the canvas .
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