Example sentences of "that she be [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 Yes I am the outcome of it all is that she 's waiting on the wall , getting piles and I 'm going to go down the shop with her .
2 Alison Halford has dropped her sex discrimination case against Merseyside Police and announced that she is to retire on medical grounds with a lump sum payment and pension .
3 Does n't she realize the effect that she is having on other people ?
4 He gave France stronger armed forces , insisted that she be respected on the world stage and believed that she must rely on her own resources for survival .
5 Membership of the Institute requires appropriate practical experience as well as the written exam , so it was a double success story that she was accepted on both counts .
6 Her mother had had a fit when Carolyn admitted that she was living on social security .
7 She flicked a look at Travis as , without so much as asking her to hold on , Mr Green went away to tell Rosemary that she was wanted on the phone .
8 Then , with great bravado , she attacked the pile of pine-needles , scooping them up between the giant clutch of her karaso and her own small hand , depositing them in another heap that she was building on top of the rope .
9 I knew that she was operating on a matter of some principle , something basic and territorial , something she had been taught , perhaps .
10 It happened that she was propped on her elbow and could see that he had his fingers crossed .
11 Martha felt that she was walking on air and when she entered the kitchen , Annie looked up .
12 The firm set of Niall Grant 's mouth suggested that she was treading on dangerous ground .
13 Sally-Anne 's returning senses told her that she was lying on an old-fashioned sofa with a high back at one end , and no sides .
14 Jake gathered her to him and rolled over on his back , so that she was lying on her stomach on top of him .
15 anything about coming , and yet Jenny came up and told me that she was coming on Friday , er before I got that letter , got that letter the next day
16 Yet , looking into those liquid dark eyes , Fran could n't help the sudden feeling that she was standing on the verge of something so mind-blowing that it made her afraid .
17 It went against the grain to meekly obey , but the look in his eyes told her in no uncertain terms that she was standing on the edge of a minefield .
18 It no longer occurred to Folly to doubt that Luke was telling the truth — and she knew that she was concentrating on his explanation simply as a shield against the other questions that hovered only a breath away .
19 This kind of emphasis on the opposition between , rather than the complementary nature of , the active and contemplative lives was reflected in the patristic interpretation of the story of Martha and Mary ( Luke 10:38 — 42 ) in which Christ excuses Mary 's lack of active help in Martha 's household chores because she was listening to him , on the grounds that she was concentrating on that which was most essential .
20 She reluctantly followed Nicole outside , certain that she was verging on dragging her steps and generally acting like a twelve-year-old delinquent on the way to the principal 's office .
21 She licked her lips nervously , and realised that she was sitting on the edge of the sofa , staring at him as though her life depended on it .
22 At least it took her mind off the far less confident emotions that she was feeling on her own account .
23 And that she was going on Wednesday , I think .
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