Example sentences of "that she would [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 She ground a half-smoked cigarette into the ashtray , and McLeish was left with the feeling that she would willingly have done the same to the live flesh of Angela Morgan , if available .
2 Charles feels that his parents would have completed their family with Diana while the Princess herself feels that she would not have been born .
3 ‘ There is no doubt that had Mavis Thomas arrived in the department prior to her cardiac arrest , then it is likely that she would not have died .
4 and a few lines later : ‘ It does not follow that she would not have signed the charge if those representations had not been made . ’
5 She hoped the clock would break down so that she would not have to see the bird again ; she did not like it .
6 Anthony said no work and no court for at least another week , ’ said Comfort , relieved that she would not have to accompany Julia to anything so dull .
7 She knew that she would not have lived happily ever after with Peter Datchett .
8 Alyssia blew some of the flyaway blonde strands away from her face and followed them to a small table at the back of the café , hoping that she would not have to endure half an hour of French conversation while she sat on the sidelines , wondering whether what they were discussing was really as animated and interesting as it appeared .
9 ‘ Of course , ’ Lissa agreed , relieved that she would not have to endure a confrontation with Rourke while her emotions were still raw .
10 One of the babies ' mother even said that she would not have another child until my mum had a vacancy !
11 There was nothing he could have asked of her that she would not have done for him .
12 She could n't just ignore him in his own house and she had the nasty feeling that she would not have been able to ignore him anywhere .
13 Such was her exhaustion that she would not have cared if her traitorous purpose was emblazoned across her face for him to see .
14 If they had climbed down the side of the escarpment he had no doubt that she would not have made it .
15 The thundering in her heart had grown so enormous that she would not have heard a thing had there been an earthquake .
16 Paul , her husband , generally left before seven and had lunch out with one of his friends , while she used her free day to take care of a thousand chores more annoying than the duties of her job : she had to go to the post office and fret for half an hour in a queue , go shopping in the supermarket , where she quarrelled with the saleswoman and wasted time waiting at the check-out , telephone the plumber and plead with him to be precisely on time so that she would n't have to wait the whole day for him .
17 She gave Gloria money so that she would n't have to pretend Dot was a babe-in-arms .
18 Trent swung himself over to the settee so that she would n't have to shout .
19 Although the piece was a well balanced probe into the Phoenix career ( and an immensely interesting career it is too ) , one was left with the feeling that she would n't have been there had it not been for the status of her interviewer .
20 Except that she would n't have known , not until she got there and smelled the blood .
21 She pushed her way through the narrow , crowded streets of Southwark and crossed the river by Blackfriars Bridge so that she would n't have to pay a toll .
22 Her dress sense was faultless and Félix had taught her that she could wear eye-catching colours that she would n't have thought of choosing for herself .
23 She was so arrogant , so sure that nothing must interfere with her comfort , that she would n't have listened . ’
24 She closed her eyes so that she would n't have to look at him .
25 It 's not that she would n't have liked to come , but we 've got a baby now .
26 If they had been chatting , no matter how lightly , she would have been so absorbed in carefully listening and in getting out a reply through a nervously constricted throat that she would n't have been able to enjoy this wonderful drive .
27 She was worried that she would n't have an accurate idea of what she ate if she just picked and nibbled .
28 It was Penelope , to tell Sophia that she had suddenly been asked to go to dinner at Rupert Stonebird 's that evening , but that she would n't have time to go home and change first .
29 Fran sat down , keeping her eyes lowered so that she would n't have to meet Luke 's eyes across the table , but she could feel him watching her .
30 All she had to do was keep reminding herself that she would n't have to bear his company much longer .
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