Example sentences of "that she [verb] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The girl had been missing for what — a week ? — and off-hand he agreed with the local man 's judgement that she had been here for most of it .
2 It seemed that she had been here years , and already she had driven a wedge between her and Ben .
3 Cassie shivered as she contemplated the knowledge that she had been here in this kitchen once before … or as near as made no difference .
4 She thought ruefully that she had been pretty unfair .
5 To which she replied that she had been sound asleep , that she had heard a desultory conversation , but its substance had nothing whatever to do with her .
6 She admitted to herself that she had been partly to blame .
7 He thought that she had been exceptionally sweet to Emmie lately and he was grateful to her .
8 ( Her niece told me that she had been particularly good at her job . )
9 It was the first time in her life that she had been openly insulted .
10 It seems to be almost a perception of physics as an ‘ arts ’ subject ; indeed , Jane told me that she had been equally good at arts and sciences but had chosen sciences because of the job and university prospects .
11 He walked out and Jenna was left with the feeling that she had been decidedly ungracious , of uncertain temper and rather childish .
12 It was impossible not to feel that she had been badly treated , but the bad treatment came from the intransigent doctors and not from a Prime Minister who , as she must have known , was immensely supportive and would not willingly have been associated with any slight on her .
13 His eyes narrowed at this bitterness , but he simply left the room , and Jenna had the feeling that she had been as ungracious as he appeared to think .
14 She did n't want to explain that she had been too nervous to go in the kitchen and cook it , too lily-livered to turn her back to the window as she lit the gas , too timorous to cause even the tiny sounds of roasting game .
15 It was just that she had been too much in love at the time to see it .
16 My mother would answer inaudibly , but it would be evident from my father 's all-too-audible answering tirade that she had been gently remonstrating .
17 Because , while being regressed , the patient is well aware of his or her present-day persona in addition to the previous one , Myra found it very distressing to think that she had been so happy to go along with all Hugh 's demands .
18 Men like Ryan , and probably Leo , could have their pick of women , which made it even more unbelievable that she had been so stupid as to believe Ryan .
19 It had all gone — the thin veneer of self-confidence , the determination that she had been so proud of acquiring and nurturing since that first audition in Vienna .
20 Laura blinked , realising that she had been so buried in her own thoughts that she 'd missed what Carole had been saying .
21 Her previous recording with Sir Charles Groves featured Crusell 's Second Concerto , in which she was partnered by the English Chamber Orchestra , and it became evident from our conversation that she had been especially happy to work with Sir Charles once again , in this new recording of English music for clarinet and orchestra .
22 ‘ You do a bit , ’ said Betty with a note of true concern , and quite taking the wind out of Lydia 's sails , who wondered whether it was true that she had been seriously wounded and was repressing her hurt to the detriment of her psyche .
23 Under the new Dangerous Dogs Act , Cleo could have been put down , but the court accepted her owner 's plea that she had been deliberately and maliciously let out of a shed , and set a new precedent by allowing the dog to go back to her family .
24 Moire Rooney asked with a gentle smile , and Patrick immediately knew that she had been deliberately keeping Jane in the kitchen while Tom spoke his piece .
25 Mitch did not know where she was either and seemed to think that she had been deliberately keeping out of his way .
26 Despite the fact that she had been deeply touched by the open friendliness of the Greek couple , it came almost as a relief when finally Niall signalled that it was time to leave .
27 Six weeks later she reported back that she had been very well on holiday with no travel-sickness or stomach problems but since returning home the digestive symptoms had gradually increased in intensity .
28 The appropriate procedures for investigation were followed and the opinion of the consultant paediatrician who examined her was that she had been chronically abused sexually .
29 In August 1991 she disclosed to her older half-sister that she had been sexually abused by her father .
30 Slowly she began to come back to reality , and realise that she had been entirely at his mercy .
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