Example sentences of "that she [verb] [adv] and " in BNC.

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1 The story , of course , was a happy ending , that she struggled on and she did it .
2 And the little old girl he says , you got ta bear in mind , he said she 's only nine he said so she ca n't do none of that she come up and she could get her leg up , she went like this !
3 He hesitated , then grabbed her wrist and twisted it so that she screamed again and the knife dropped .
4 They were singing ‘ Forty Years On ’ as a duet , which surprised her so much that she stepped backwards and trod on the toe of the cross young man with whom she had collided that afternoon .
5 One night she dreamed that she got up and went to the lavatory , where she found a new , neatly typed notice fixed over the bowl .
6 Once she tells us that she woke up and then that she prepared breakfast , we assume certain facts : that she got out of bed , for example .
7 No , she said that she came up and asked you if you wan na go out with Emma
8 She ambled down roads and along paths that she knew well and she failed to record what she saw .
9 Theodora leant back in her chair and stretched , the confines of her office dictating that she extended up and not backwards .
10 She led Midnight to a clear patch and then let him walk on the long rein , so that she stayed still and he walked round her in a circle at the end of the rein .
11 On all points we found that she tracked accurately and remained beautifully balanced .
12 Erm no it 's more likely to be a calendar month that she works on and fortunately February has four weeks in it this year for where our pay day is so I would be putting it in sort of like Feb first .
13 The Vicar 's wife , who had parked on a yellow line while her gay husband went into the shop to get a treacle tart , got such a shock when Wayne stuck his big , hairy white face in through the window that she jumped out and ran away .
14 He turned to a small cabinet mounted high on the kitchen wall , and in a moment had presented her with a glass of water and two white capsules that she swallowed obediently and not without relief .
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