Example sentences of "that his [noun pl] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In February the commander of the Border Guard announced that his forces were to be cut from 22,000 to 9,000 over the following five years .
2 Gen Noriega and his few remaining allies would be hard-pressed to argue against the US invasion in an international legal body such as the UN , the experts said , because he declared last weekend that his forces were in ‘ a state of war ’ with the US .
3 Paul knew that his plans were in God 's hands , and that certainty comes across very clearly in the way that he sets out his desire to go forward for Jesus .
4 He felt as if Simon were lifting him by the collar and dangling him so that his feet were off the earth and his toes straining to reach something .
5 When Michael Marks first wheeled his Penny Bazaar barrow into Leeds Market in 1884 , he can have had little idea that his actions were to one day progress Marks and Spencer to become the nation 's leading retailer .
6 The Chancellor appeared to be unmoved by the appeals from some of his party faithful , preferring to claim that his actions were in the country 's long term interest .
7 ‘ When I left the kitchen , I remembered that his clothes were in my room .
8 Mr Bond told the Federal Court late last year that his assets were worth less than £25,000 , although he had been receiving about £3,000 a month salary from a firm , Metals Exploration Ltd .
9 To take a wild hypothetical instance , the police could torture a suspect into revealing the location of stolen goods and then use the fact that his fingerprints are on them at his trial .
10 Mr Plumpton has the odd notion that his pupils are in some way superior to Hawkwood 's .
11 If the second person says that his cards are in the first and last row you know that they are at the t in mutus and the t in dedit .
12 In reminding himself that his responsibilities were for the President , he recalled the way that Mariana had looked at the old man that first day when he had met them out on the dock , the President casting for bonefish .
13 Smith 's job is to make people see he could care less , can do something about Britain 's problems and that his words are worth more than those of Johnny Devaluation .
14 Donning a yarmulke , he promised a Jewish group that ‘ we 'll keep a glatt [ strict ] kosher kitchen at the White House , ’ a pledge that his aides were at first unsure whether to treat as a jest or for real .
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