Example sentences of "that they should [vb infin] for " in BNC.

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1 BRITISH diplomats and contract workers appeared determined to stay in Libya last night despite warnings from mullahs and the mob that they should leave for their own safety .
2 But erm they are built in a such a way that they should cater for the largest vehicle that is likely to use that road .
3 Yet if you accept that managers change styles to suit the occasion or their mood , it is a small step to suggest that they should aim for constructive change , either tactically or as a permanent shift .
4 Richard Ryder , the Party 's Chief Whip , told his deputy , David Heathcote-Amory , that they should meet for coffee in the conference centre at half-time .
5 The principle of the statute was that the serfs should be emancipated with their household plots and an allotment of land , but that they should pay for this land .
6 The principle of the statute was that the newly-freed serfs should retain their household plots and an allotment of land , but that they should pay for this land .
7 Emergency laws giving wide-ranging powers of arrest and detention , first introduced in 1981 after the assassination of President Anwar el Sadat , were extended when the People 's Assembly voted on May 8 that they should apply for the period June 1 , 1991 , to May 31 , 1994 .
8 In all sex offence cases juries are warned that that it is ‘ dangerous ’ to accept the word of the alleged victim alone and that they should look for corroboration .
9 This need for careful definition is ignored completely when one simply asks a panel of experts to name people with political power — one has not told them the criteria that they should use for judging whether an individual has power , and neither does one know whether the individuals have used even similar criteria for ascribing power to the individuals whose names they submit .
10 Do you think it 's right that they should campaign for a change in the laws ?
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