Example sentences of "that they [vb mod] [vb infin] no " in BNC.

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1 This time the terms imposed upon him and his followers were much more humiliating : they had to ‘ give such surety as it shall please to our lord the king ’ that they would make no further trouble .
2 Along with their tickets the refugees had bought landing permits from the Cuban director of immigration , who had given a personal guarantee that they would face no difficulties entering his country .
3 The Societies were assured that they would suffer no state intervention in their traditional business .
4 The Treasury made it clear that they would allow no more than £7 m .
5 The " drug barons " , importing from Thailand , Pakistan , or Colombia , are seen as the real cause of increasing " hard " drug addiction in the UK , rather than the fact that they would have no market if there were no demand .
6 On receiving an assurance from the guardians that they would lose no time in putting up a nurses ' home , the Minister would be prepared to recommend the Nursing Council to give its approval .
7 She was proved wrong in her assessment that they would see no one from the new extension , however .
8 The parliaments of Armenian , Georgia , Estonia , Latvia , Lithuania and Moldavia had announced in the weeks immediately preceding the referendum that they would take no part in organizing the holding of the referendum .
9 The Bishop of Ely claimed Benwick as part of his chase : they had been met by the bishop 's bailiff , leading three priests in full vestments , with Bible , cross and candle , ‘ so that they could make no inquest there that day ’ .
10 And they knew that they could expect no reinforcements from Scotland while they could have no certainty that a second force was not closing in behind them from England , since clearly their movements had been known , and their return anticipated .
11 Once more the Bois des Corbeaux changed hands , but German losses were so high ( one Silesian battalion was reduced to 300 men ) that they could advance no further .
12 Police said yesterday that they could find no motive for the murder of 11-year-old Tasleen Akhtar , whose body was found in an alley near her home in Sparkhill , Birmingham .
13 Dzerzhinsky stressed that local authorities should collaborate with them , but at the centre he was adamant that they should take no part in transport decisions that had any , political implications .
14 Given the extremes within the party it is not surprising that there is a continuing feud between those willing to make political deals and those so utterly opposed to the system that they will make no concessions .
15 This is to be expected , and it is reasonable for the vendor to request that the receivers of confidential information enter into such agreements , confirming that they will make no use of it other than for the specific purpose of evaluating the proposed buy-out .
16 " Last year our friends and allies provided the bulk of the economic costs of Desert Shield , and having now received commitments of over $40,000 million for the first three months of 1991 , I am confident that they will do no less as we move through Desert Storm .
17 Bull confirmed that those taking unpaid leave will get a bonus proportional to the duration of their absence ( three months salary for a year , six months for two years , nine months for three years ) , but that they will have no guarantee of getting their job back after the leave .
18 I can assure them that they will have no progress until they renounce violence and terrorism .
19 Manufacturers must proceed on the understanding that they will receive no assistance from IBM .
20 His sacking is a clear message to other officers that they will receive no sympathy for their indiscretions .
21 This weekend it is possible to sense a feeling that they can do no more .
22 If he or she still insists on following you around , make it clear that they can come no closer .
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