Example sentences of "that they [vb mod] [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 The Baltic states did not sign the document , but the 12 republics said that they would negotiate the Baltics ' part in payment " on a solidarity basis " .
2 As has been noted above ( page 10 ) all UUUC candidates with the exception of Kilfedder signed an undertaking that they would observe the directives of the UUUC .
3 No , I envisaged when I bought those superb places that they would cover the fence .
4 Er mainly because in the past they did n't have the proper equipment to do the work that they were engaged on anyway , and although their own minds would clearly tell them that they would identify the work with certain equipment you know , that was up to date and you know , would make life easier for them and be able to produce more , I think some of them er er their minds were overshadowed by the fact that er there was a degree of mistrust between them and the management , that they would ever get the proper equipment to do the job .
5 I bought two Clown Plecs in the hope that they would embarrass the Foxes into nibbling a bit of algae .
6 When those arrested threatened the lord mayor that they would inform the King how they were dealt with , he defiantly replied that he would save them the trouble and do it himself .
7 It was felt by some students that areas of the ‘ Enterprise ’ component may have been downplayed somewhat if there was no visible link between the ‘ content ’ and assessment ; however , more students expressed the view that they would scrutinise the Enterprise component of future optional and elective modules before selection .
8 The authorities responding to the national survey questionnaire all said that they would offer the services of an interpreter , if this appeared to be necessary .
9 said that they would want the basic rate increased by more than 2p , 40 per cent .
10 As scientific courses proliferated , so this aspect became more prominent ; the people working in particular sciences came to expect of each other that they would speak the same language , and gaps between physicists , chemists , biologists , geologists and so on increased .
11 On Nov. 29 it was announced that Gorbachev would visit Moldavia on the following day to address the republic 's Supreme Soviet , but the visit was cancelled at the last minute , reportedly because Dnestr Russian and Gagauz deputies had announced that they would boycott the session .
12 According to the report the majority of parties had indicated that they would boycott the election .
13 It is vital to avoid any repetition of the ‘ ozone scare ’ of the seventies when many aerosol products were banned through mistaken fears that they would deplete the earth 's protective ozone layer .
14 Although the final decision was with Cabinet , it would be most unlikely that they would overturn the views of a committee which had spent a number of weeks going through the proposals almost line by line — particularly given that half the Cabinet were on the committee and the Prime Minister was in the chair .
15 It was assumed that they would meet the need .
16 As the scale of local government grew and the environment began to change more rapidly , it became apparent that services needed to be more closely integrated in order that they would meet the needs of the environment .
17 This is recognised in the Law Commission Working Paper No 85 ( 1983 ) in relation to self-assembly furniture where it was said : The goods would , of course , have to be in a condition in which they could be assembled , and if they were sold without adequate instructions it is unlikely that they would meet the required standard of quality .
18 In the Labour party , as in the TUC , the policy to impose a 5 per cent norm had provoked much fury , and the party conference in October heavily rejected the policy , even though Callaghan and Healey made it clear that they would ignore the views of the delegates .
19 He had not had much hope that they would rent the garage to a teenager , since teenagers were regarded generally as being as reliable as something out of the zoo .
20 On Jan. 24 Jacques Poos and Roland Dumas , the Luxembourg and French Foreign Ministers respectively , declared , however , that they would contest the vote in the European Court of Justice .
21 Both companies expressed disappointment at Cheney 's decision and said that they would contest the cancellation .
22 ‘ You 'd think people would have heed , but no heed , never any heed , no care for anybody else , ’ he complained as he drove ; but before the bridge he startled them by driving the car into the space in front of McCabe 's and announcing that they would walk the rest of the way through the village .
23 On Nov. 12 Japanese Foreign Ministry officials said to be concerned about alienating international opinion were quoted in Tokyo as saying that they would press the government " to think carefully about our future plans " to transport more plutonium to Japan over the next decade .
24 On 28 December , partisans made repeated attacks on German transport on the Via Emilia , their main line of communication with the battle front , which led to a threat by the Germans that they would burn the villages along the length of the road .
25 There is no sign from either the right hon. Member for Yeovil ( Mr. Ashdown ) or the Leader of the Opposition that they would draw the line anywhere on transfer of authority to Brussels .
26 As soon as the opportunity presented itself , the likelihood was that they would show the same determination to seize the nobility 's land that they had displayed in 1905 .
27 With England discredited , the Protestants were in a much weaker position ; from Mary of Guise 's point of view , there was now no particular reason to suppose that they would upset the old order .
28 Arthur had eaten large helpings of scampi and steak-and-kidney pudding , refrained from the damson pie as a gesture , and taken his mind off the others ' plates by saying that they would do the film if he and Fred were allowed to write it , direct it , find the props , and put together the sound track .
29 All staff in the schools stated that they would welcome the addition of texts showing girls and women as main protagonists of the plot so long as these texts were also ‘ well written ’ and ‘ interesting ’ .
30 In early September Belgium and France stated that they would place the memorandum on the agenda of the forthcoming meeting of the Permanent Committee of the Brussels states .
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