Example sentences of "that they [adv] have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The problem with adult learners is that they already have strategies for grammatical analysis and can efficiently use context in communication .
2 We have advised environmental health officers that they already have power under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 temporarily to remove equipment such as audio equipment to ensure that a noise abatement notice is complied with .
3 Do not worry that they already have logos .
4 Our participants had the clear perception that they also have powers within the classroom , conceived as a specific social setting , and they act to establish themselves and their powers .
5 Under the policy , companies that want to import computers to India have to show that they also have export orders for software .
6 Built into most policy development over the past four decades , even anti-sexist and anti-racist initiatives , has been the assumption that girls and black pupils are ‘ problems ’ ; that they either have problems or pose problems that are different from other groups of pupils .
7 I , for one , certainly would not wish to put people under so much pressure that they never have time to read a non-work book or attend a concert , or pursue a hobby , or do worthwhile work in the environment or the community .
8 How much of a threat this posed to those drapers who themselves furnished funerals is not recorded , but as none appear to have taken legal action , it can only be assumed that they too had dealings with these manufacturers whilst continuing to offer a funeral service to the general public .
9 We want them to volunteer to pay compensation to the offen Er to the victim , because that way we know that they genuinely have concern over what they 've done and they 've faced up their responsibilities .
10 Still a few sea bass here , though they 're so delicious that they hardly have time to freeze .
11 Sam Wanamaker enthuses that they now have permission to thatch the roof of the gallery and thrust stage .
12 However , parents have one big advantage and that is that they now have access to the GCSE and A-level exam results of all pupils — that is the biggest giveaway !
13 Many of these items are transient and date in much the same way as slang does , so that they then have connotations of certain historical periods as well .
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