Example sentences of "that there was something [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I did think that there was something between her and Peter Yeo — her partner — but nothing came of it .
2 Working from my assumption that there was something between the two of you anyway , it seemed obvious that you 'd decided to take it much further . ’
3 It suggested that there was something about the man , some unknown factor which made him slightly suspect in the eyes of the authorities .
4 It was in 1927 for example that Kenneth Macpherson speculated whether those early film audiences had not just been distracted and drawn mindlessly from the streets but rather it might have been a case of ‘ the people getting in some dim way the fact that there was something under their eyes , a sense of life and expectancy ’ .
5 I thought that there was something at the appraisal though there was supposed to .
6 If he felt , sometimes , that he had heard too little of that interview of Primaflora 's , and that there was something of desperation now in her love-making , he did n't pursue it for once ; and even the matter of Katelina remained only as an anxiety held well in check .
7 In 1984 for example , Stehr and Meja suggested that there was something of a renaissance of the sociology of knowledge ( Stehr and Meja 1984 : 4 ) .
8 If we resist the temptation to place the factory system too far back into the eighteenth century and consider the factory mode alongside other prior and parallel methods of manufacturing , it seems hard to deny that there was something of a supply-side response to an increase in demand .
9 They have agreed that there was something to be discussed .
10 Jack had to fill the coal scuttles , Kevin to bring in the logs , Aengus had to roll yesterday 's papers into sausage-like shapes which would be used for lighting the fires later , Gerry , who was meant to be the animal lover , had to take Oswald for a run in the park , and see that there was something on the bird table in the garden , and Ronan had to open the big heavy curtains in the front rooms , take the milk in from the steps and place it in the big fridge and brush whatever had to be brushed from the big granite steps leading up to the house .
11 Erm I , I somehow felt that that 's what she was feeling that there was something like that lacking .
12 I thought of the contents of the suitcase and decided that there was something in what he said .
13 I do n't remember his words now and it would be ethically wrong for me to make them up , but he began to tell me that there was something in my lung .
14 But now — well , I 've always found that there was something in what Fiver had to say .
15 ‘ thought that , following your direction , the jury might think that there was something in the statement which the defence wanted to hide , using the cloak of privilege .
16 I felt that he and I were the same sort of person , that there was something in my brain and heart , in my blood and bone , that connected me to him for ever .
17 Because I , I 've received a letter erm from a parishioner , if I can find it , er which I have photocopied for everyone , which I think was a direct response to the fact that there was something in the magazine and perhaps a direct response to other meetings and to a general feeling as well .
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