Example sentences of "that there be some thing " in BNC.

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1 It 's just that there are some things the mind-set is not adjusted to and I was tuned in for bracing winds , long place names and snatches of Tom Jones .
2 It can still be said , he suggests , ‘ that there are some things capable of being known , though they are still not ones that can be known with an Aristotelian knowledge , but only experientially , or according to appearances ’ .
3 Heseltine 's vision was of ‘ partnerships which recognise that there are some things that only governments can pay for , but also that the ingenuity and flexibility of the private sector is indispensable ’ ( p. 156 ) .
4 But until you 're really big you 've just got to realise that there are some things worth paying money for and some things that are n't .
5 Could it be — and this will shock the glossy posse at Esquire — that there are some things in life more important than fashion ?
6 The trouble is that there are some things even X-rays , penetrating as they are , can not reveal .
7 But Betty also knew that there are some things better left unsaid , no matter what the circumstances .
8 There is also er as , as well as recognizing that there are some things that perhaps we might have er concluded , but because of the er nature of the definition have fallen outside inclusion of this report .
9 And what we in fact the the reason we tell people everything on the phone Ron is that there are some things that pen I did have one here ,
10 It 's just that there were some things I needed to clear up with her about her husband 's estate .
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