Example sentences of "that this [vb mod] [vb infin] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 David Trippier , a Minister of State at the Department of the Environment , said that the government was " concerned about suggestions that land values might be blighted because of perception of the registers " and that this might hamper its inner-city regeneration programme .
2 Of course , ’ he went on silkily , ‘ I 'm aware that this might upset your arrangements with … now , what was his name ? ’
3 Thus , many users prefer to stay hidden regardless of the problems that this might cause their families or themselves .
4 He refused to co-operate and was told he was ‘ letting the school down ’ and given an indication that this would affect his school report , ‘ and that 's when I realized that I was only acknowledged for my sporting ability . ’
5 The delegates voted on Sept. 5 against an Egyptian proposal to merge the organization with the UNCTAD " Group of 77 " ( developing countries ) , on the grounds that this would weaken its non-aligned status .
6 It was generally believed that this would increase their efficiency in line with private industry .
7 He also exhibited seven paintings at the British Institution ( 1841–60 ) and eighty-four ( 1841–69 ) at the Society of British Artists , of which he was elected a member in 1845 , resigning in 1852 in the hope that this would assist his election to associateship of the Royal Academy .
8 At another time , He told her that she had conceived again , and when she , fearful that this would interrupt her ‘ contemplation ’ , asked how she should look after the child , Christ replied casually that he would find it a keeper .
9 At the time , she imagined that this would help her study immeasurably .
10 It was thought that this would stimulate our divinity students in being close to the university and so involved in contact with university students who would in future years be leaders of the nation , just as we hoped the divinity students would become leaders of the Church .
11 Jordan objected that this would violate its sovereignty .
12 Smith , who summed up the philosophy as one of ‘ Discipline and Religion ’ , hoped that by emphasizing masculinity and the becoming of ‘ Christian men ’ , the boys would come to see the ‘ manliness of Christianity ’ and that this would counter their tendency to regard it as ‘ effeminate and weak ’ , an idea which seemed to be too popular .
13 The danger in quoting fragments of their writings out of context is that this may distort their intention and produce a static picture .
14 Lenders themselves , just as borrowers do , have a lot to gain from insurance against the risk of unemployment or illness , in that this should reduce their own bad-debt or late-payment costs ( and so perhaps reduce interest rates too ) .
15 The suggestion is that this will reduce their chances of finding such work themselves and make them dependent for informal assistance on others whose circumstances are similar to their own .
16 Preliminary research suggests that this can improve their chances of recovery , and a four-year study with 2,500 patients is under way .
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