Example sentences of "that this be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Rolle suggests that this is begun in thought of the four last things : death , for " we lyve bot in a poynt " in " uncertente of owre endyng " ; judgement , when we account for our use of time " and ilk tyme we thynk not on God , we may cownt it als we have tynt " ( 4.95.19 – 22 , 38 – 9 ) ; heaven , the joy which is " mare any may tell " ; and hell , where also is burning in fire ( 4.96.46 – 7 , 54 ) .
2 The ‘ walking/running speed ’ at which vehicles must travel is variously interpreted as up to 20 km/h , but evidence from early shared-space streets showed that this is exceeded by 85 per cent of the vehicles .
3 Assume that this is represented by Table 5.1 .
4 Assume that this is represented by Table 5.1 .
5 But Partridge argues that this is outoutweighed by the system 's disadvantages .
6 are that this is transmitted throughout the world within minutes of being spoken so you have the monarchy which has tried to make itself populist , has actually made its language much more populist .
7 The rest of the poem is concerned with the social causes of human misery : the Female Vagrant tells us that This is dismissed by many critics as ‘ tainted with Godwinism ’ , but I can not myself see that lines like these are ever likely to become out of date .
8 They assert that this is because women 's position is determined by the position of the family in which they live , and that this is determined by that of the male breadwinner .
9 Deep in their minds some whites have begun to think again what their ancestors thought , that blacks are genetically inferior in the traits that count for economic success , and that this is proven by the fact that blacks have lost ground as discrimination has retreated .
10 ‘ But , given a level playing field , we believe that the work commitments we are agreeing to are as great as can be justified in commercial terms , and hope that this is recognised by Whitehall . ’
11 Only in exceptional circumstances can the administrative effort and substantial costs be justified for an exercise such as at Church Road and I hope that this is recognised by the Community Council .
12 However , the decision by Council to make cuts in the information budget is not intended in any way to deny the importance of the information system to advice workers in the bureaux , Council sees that the system has reached a very high standard and that this is recognised throughout the entire advice sector .
13 GL advised that this is covered in Garden 's general insurance .
14 It is suggested that it be assumed that there will be a need for an interpreter at public meetings , and that this is planned for .
15 This may well have contributed to the feeling that the UK was overtaxed , despite the fact that this is contradicted by the evidence ( see Table 16.5 below ) .
16 It is noteworthy that PtpropCl 2 , 4 , shows no evidence of the blockage on both strands ( at 37 of UV5 ) but that this is observed in the tethered complexes 5 and 6 .
17 That this is seen as the market 's battlefield is demonstrated by the higher marketing profile of Church Charity and Local Authority Fund Managers Ltd ( CCLA ) .
18 However , inner-city speakers normally , and quite consistently , have [ ae ] and [ Ε ] in items where the vowel precedes a velar consonant ( as noted above ) , and I have sometimes been told that this is affected by RP .
19 It may be that this is affected by the accounting method used and this will be the main thrust of the Stirling study .
20 Some researchers believe that this is related to the time orientation or how far ahead an individual thinks or plans .
21 We must also be aware that very important cultural factors will also be involved in choice of site for a settlement and that this is related to the overall settlement pattern in an area .
22 This was achieved by Debye in 1944 , who showed that for a solute whose molecules are small compared with the wavelength of the light used , the reduced angular scattering intensity of the solute is and that this is related to the change in Gibbs free energy with concentration of the solute .
23 For instance , Poulantzas ( 1975 , p.21 ) : ‘ it is the social division of labour , in the form that this is given by the specific presence of political and ideological relations actually within the production process , which dominates the technical division of labour . ’
24 Remember that under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987 the lessee is entitled to notice of the full name and address of the lessor , so ensure that this is given in your notice .
25 I gather that this is regarded as a controversial procedure in certain circles , but any criticism on the lines of wastage of resources on a dying man would have me to contend with .
26 You should point out the necessity of co-operating with the doctor but you should warn the plaintiff that this is limited to matters relating to his or her medical condition .
27 It is imperative that this is placed on the centreline otherwise the board will swiftly turn into the wind once any weight is put on it .
28 Paul Baines has shown that this is caused by the essential or volatile oils , which the alchemists considered to be the soul of a plant .
29 Mr Popham will see that this is done on your behalf .
30 It should be noted that this is done without an image being displayed .
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