Example sentences of "that are [not/n't] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They 've not much time for things that are n't either pleasurable or functional .
2 ‘ I 've visited all the notable churches and cathedrals but I very much enjoy discovering places that are n't particularly prominent in guide books : going around a corner in a village in France and discovering a gem .
3 Do n't wear perfume when sunbathing — even skins that are n't usually sensitive may develop a rash or brown marks when exposed to the sun .
4 Greg tries out his I-don't-know-any-different argument again : ‘ Most bands I know in Boston come from backgrounds that are n't radically different from mine .
5 It may be that some areas are running out of money er which clearly need money , maybe there 's other areas are in surplus with the demands on them that are n't so great , so the answer may simply be to find a way of operating with greater flexibility within the total cash limit .
6 ‘ There are things that are n't quite right with Welsh rugby ’ , Ryan had said — a euphemism if ever there was one , and it has taken all these years even to begin to rectify them .
7 and there 's this thing about I mean you know that there that we may be behaving , there may be erm ways that we behave that are n't actually functional th the , the society we 've got now might not actually be functional because of the technology we 've got
8 This is especially applicable for those that are not yet ready to drink and therefore need to be laid down for a year or more .
9 If , for some reason , you have to press some flowers that are not completely dry ( and you should only do so in an emergency ) , then you must first mop them with some clean paper tissues to soak up any droplets of water .
10 Ad hoc hypotheses , hypotheses that are not independently testable , are ruled out .
11 Choice of courses may be influenced by career intentions even within those degrees that are not firmly career-orientated .
12 The only parts of this procedure that are not immediately susceptible to practical implementation are those that rely on the assumption of facts about expressions .
13 Their ability to hover enables them to construct their tiny cups on sites that are not even big enough for them to perch on — two crossing stems , perhaps , or even the tip of a leaf .
14 The ability of good theories to make successful predictions is useful , because often we want to know the properties of systems that are not easily accessible by experiment .
15 It asserts that women 's social position offers them access to aspects or areas of reality that are not easily accessible to men …
16 However , if that space is very limited you may find it worthwhile only growing the plants that are not easily available from florists .
17 Sometimes , too , features such as earthworks and cropmarks and patterns that are not easily visible on the ground become apparent from the air .
18 Therefore , word sequences that are semantically acceptable are considered to be more plausible than word sequences that are not semantically acceptable .
19 Surely , then , it is perverse and inexplicable behaviour on the part of so many English speakers to take words ( like adult or person ) that are not inherently misleading , or are meant to improve linguistic precision , and deliberately make them misleading and imprecise .
20 The offence is committed not just by a trader who supplies consumer goods that are not reasonably safe but also by a trader who agrees or offers to supply them or exposes or possesses them for supply .
21 Choose large , firm , healthy specimens that are not visibly diseased or damaged and plant quickly , before they show signs of sprouting , as this can affect subsequent growth and flower quality .
22 Something which seems to be soluble at some stage and the water gets hot and it 's not soluble , so we 're looking for things here that are not not soluble .
23 Among the domestic mammals that we ordinarily eat , pigs are the only ones that are not strictly herbivorous .
24 Walking : There are some lovely mountain walks to be had that are not overly strenuous .
25 It seems then that the most plausible form of logical empiricism holds that statements can be divided into two classes , those that are strongly verifiable and those that are not strongly verifiable themselves but are confirmable and disconfirmable by appeal to the strongly verifiable ones .
26 The answer is that we are prepared , in circumstances that are not particularly unusual , to allow that someone does in fact have knowledge when that person is so far from certain that he would not claim the knowledge himself .
27 Do I really mean to attribute to the state or community principles that are not simply those of most of its members ?
28 Although systematic and quota sampling provide samples that are not truly random , they can be used in circumstances where no sampling frame exists .
29 The ideal way , way of arranging a room as I see it would be that you could have your separate rooms but have sliding doors , after all there 's nothing new in sliding doors , er , but doors opening and closing erm are restrictive , that 's only my own personal view , my wife does n't necessarily , necessarily share that view ideally if I was planning a house , the main room the main living room would be much larger than the one we live in , it would certainly be a different shape , erm when we had our golden wedding erm our visitors were so numerous that they were standing shoulder to shoulder in these two rooms and the kitchen whereas if it had been a reasonably designed house maybe we could of spread them around a little more , but they 're minor , minor defects that are not really serious .
30 ‘ I think , ’ she said , ‘ that you have instincts and feelings that are not really human at all .
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