Example sentences of "that the [noun sg] had be " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It must be the full moon , ’ Lee grumbled , melting butter in a saucepan , and then remembered that the moon had been but a sliver the previous night .
2 Given this stark choice , the jury decided that the policeman had been deceitful rather than that the woman had been ‘ wicked and false ’ in her evidence .
3 Initial investigations suggested that the crash had been caused by a combination of bad weather and either pilot error or a failure in the communications system .
4 A survey of the wreckage was said to have proved that the helicopter had been carrying combat weapons and armed personnel as well as civilians ; the Georgian side attributed the crash itself to overloading , with 64 passengers on a 24-seat helicopter .
5 When asked how it was done , Ruysch simply said that the corpse had been put in cold water for a day or so , the aorta and venae cavae were then opened , the blood cleared out and the whole put in hot water for four to six hours ; for the injection he had used suet or tallow in the winter , and added wax , turpentine and resin in summer .
6 I later learnt that the corpse had been badly mauled in battle , the face disfigured by a crashing axe blow .
7 The Ministry of Agriculture statement said that the warning had been intended as preventative advice .
8 Now that the subject had been opened , each wanted to have his say .
9 A Moma spokeswoman indicated that the decision had been reached by the Pushkin and Hermitage museums , the two principal lenders to the New York show , together with the Pompidou and MoMA itself .
10 In the second appeal the committee said that the decision had been made in the light of the admission criteria and that they felt ‘ unable ’ to override section 6(3) ( a ) .
11 Lord Arbuthnott , who presented a plaque and scroll to the Nevis Range directors , said that the decision had been unanimous .
12 Bhanu Pratap ( Singh , the state Governor , declared that the decision had been taken largely because of the serious law and order situation , but in his statement he openly defied convention by issuing a political message which questioned Gandhi 's right to be involved in the state 's politics .
13 Although it was officially denied , commentators suggested that the decision had been taken in order to settle the lingering controversy surrounding the referendum of 1946 , widely believed to have been rigged by the communists , whereby the monarchy had been abolished .
14 The government stated that the decision had been made in order to prevent the spiral of drug-related violence which had eventually persuaded the Colombian government to end extradition [ see pp. 37772 ; 37851 ; 38332 ] .
15 Claiming that the decision had been prompted by popular demand , Kuwait 's ambassador to the USA , Shaikh Saud Nasir al Sabah , said in an interview with the Washington Post that only 50,000 to 60,000 out of an estimated 380,000 Palestinians living in Kuwait were working .
16 In response to the Sept. 11 announcement by the Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that 11,000 Soviet troops were to be withdrawn from Cuba , an editorial in the official Communist party newspaper Granma declared that the decision had been " unilateral " , had broken historical and legitimate bilateral accords and was the equivalent of giving a " green light " to the United States to carry out " aggressive plans against Cuba " .
17 The US State Department said that the decision had been taken in response to " positive steps " by Vietnam on the MIA issue as well as Vietnam 's continued support for the Cambodian peace plan .
18 When he believes that Tom is not guilty of the rape of which he has been accused , we know that Tom is innocent so when he is found guilty of raping Mayella Ewell , it is quite clear that the decision had been heavily prejudiced .
19 In his view it was disgusting that the union had been forced to battle for four years to win the day .
20 This case also concerned a joint and several promissory note , to which the defendant pleaded that the co-debtor had been released by deed on making a composition with the creditors , but the deed contained a proviso that it should not operate to prejudice the rights of others .
21 The next day the TV critic of the Express noted that the Telethon had been full of publicity-grabbing TV stars jostling to exploit the programme for their own careers .
22 Research director Ulrich Seiffert was anxious to put an end to rumours that the engine had been delayed by chronic friction and vibration problems .
23 According to this report , the move was aimed at discrediting Arafat , who was already under serious pressure because of his backing of Iraq during the Gulf war , by stressing that the release had been arranged by Khaled Fayoum , a pro-Syrian opponent of Arafat .
24 The account he gave just after his release was that the threat had been that a British soldier might ‘ accidentally ’ shoot one of the women .
25 He never did , of course , and never would , but the fact that the threat had been made showed how strongly he felt on it .
26 And in an interview with ITN last night Morton said he had made it ‘ quite clear ’ in the new chapter of his book that the Queen had been sympathetic towards Diana .
27 RiverBus , which is partly financed by P&O , were delighted that the Queen had been persuaded to use their 23 metre catamaran , the Conrad Chelsea Harbour , one of the new design of RiverBus currently in use .
28 Thereafter it gradually emerged that the firm had been issuing ‘ uncovered bills of exchange ’ to the tune of at least 250 billion dinars , but perhaps as much as 400 billion dinars ( Politika , 20 August 1987 ) .
29 Anti-apartheid demonstrators were prosecuted for invading court number 2 at Wimbledon during a match involving the South African , Cliff Drysdale ; the House of Lords ultimately decided that the meaning of ‘ insulting ’ was properly a matter for the magistrates ( who had acquitted in this case ) and allowed the defendant 's appeal against the Divisional Court 's decision that the conduct had been insulting .
30 The ever-anxious Ford had been appointed to replace Major Richard Sharpe as commanding officer of the battalion , which of itself was cause for the Colonel to worry , for Joseph Ford was keenly aware that the Rifleman had been a most competent and experienced soldier .
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