Example sentences of "that the [noun] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 ( No. 2 ) , the facts of which have already been summarised , and in which it was held that the restrictions imposed on the bringing of a direct civil action for breach of a statute could not be outflanked by framing the claim as one for the tort of unlawful interference with trade .
2 Amnesty International believes that the restrictions placed on prisoners of conscience doing compulsory labour are analogous to imprisonment and therefore urges that they be immediately and unconditionally released .
3 It is essential that the restrictions placed on different classes of shares in a company are fully considered since these can have a material affect on the valuation method and result .
4 ‘ Many people believe that depression is something that the sufferer brings on themselves and all they have to do is pull themselves together , ’ explained Sean O'Reilly of Aware .
5 In addition to , the purchaser will normally base the price on the assignment or novation of all contracts and provide that the price reduces on an agreed formula if any consents are not obtained within a specified period .
6 When studying possible reforms and changes in the law , will she consider that the decision to open on Sunday is taken not by local supermarket managers but nationally by their boards , and that if there is any change in the law they should be the ones to be prosecuted ?
7 Recently , Wilson was part of a clinical study which adds considerable weight to repeated claims that the liquids used on 95,000 British farms , to treat 40 million sheep , could be the cause of permanent damage to the nervous system .
8 This is equally frustrating when one notices that the coffins appearing on a series of five resurrection monuments executed by John and Mathias Christmas between 1628 and 1640 are also of this type .
9 In 1694 Jean Gailhard wrote a pamphlet urging that the annual commemoration of 30 January and 29 May be stopped , arguing that the sermons delivered on that day helped perpetuate the country 's political divisions , though it is clear that what he objected to was the fact that these days helped promote a Tory vision of government in Church and State , since he himself did not believe anything done during the reigns of Charles I or Charles II was worth commemorating .
10 Conditions in England while the tax was being gathered are likely to have been grim , considering the devastation caused by the recent fighting , and that the tribute came on top of the large amounts levied in Æthelred 's reign .
11 Paul walked about , feeling it begin to rain , not caring that the wet dripped on his suit of clothes .
12 Lord Justice Bingham has dismissed criticism of BCCI auditors Price Waterhouse over the potential conflicts of interest engendered by the various roles that the firm played on behalf of the Bank of England in the run-up to the bank 's collapse .
13 However , since the court held that a requirement that the crew reside on shore in the member state in question was not related to the aim of the quota system , no reason can be seen which might induce the court to take the view that residence and domicile requirements imposed on all owners and operators of fishing vessels and on 75 per cent .
14 Although vertical transmission down the archives of the species is ultimately what ‘ success ’ means , the criterion for success is normally the action that the genes have on bodies , by means of their sideways transmission .
15 These latter actions highlight an important aspect of the MINSE approach , ie it is not necessarily concerned with changes of a technological nature , but with any that result in improvements to the problem situation ; furthermore , because of the continual participation of the people that the organisation depends on , it helps to ensure a firm commitment to those changes .
16 He painted with such intensity that the painting fell on his head as he leant forward to see me better .
17 So we have a proposer and a seconder that the committee take on board the provision of a car park steward , for want of another word .
18 Land suggested that Alvey 's group did not consult enough of the people who would use advanced computers ; that it had paid too little attention to international collaboration ; and that the committee focused on too narrow an area of activity .
19 How unfortunate … that they have refused to read or respect one another , the one convinced that the other survives on undisciplined rhetoric and an irresponsible lack of rigour , the other suspecting the former of aridity , superficiality and over-subtle trivialization ( Ibid. , p. ix )
20 In his well argued submissions Mr. Wall submitted that the discretion conferred on the court by article 13 ( a ) of the Convention is a discretion to be exercised ( a ) within the context of the purpose and principles laid down by the Convention and ( b ) by applying the criteria contained within the Convention itself , and that it is accordingly not a discretion to exercise the inherent jurisdiction of the court in wardship or under the Children Act 1989 so as to act in what the court perceives to be the best interests of the child .
21 I discovered that the flats used on their edge were ideal for quickly flicking grass-like stems .
22 Tory campaign managers complain that the BBC concentrated on the negative aspects of the campaign at the expense of the positive .
23 As Bauer put it in a recent BBC television discussion of covert recognition , ‘ Our normal experience of perception , of seeing objects or faces as an all or none process , is a trick that the brain plays on us ’ .
24 His explanation — that the emphasis falls on portraiture without the contextual detail of Dutch painting — is almost as insufficient as the literary critic 's — that this ‘ technique ’ was not yet included in the novelist 's repertoire .
25 One obvious and important change was that the emphasis laid on the effect of infant and child mortality on fertility a decade ago in Bucharest shifted to the effect of fertility and childbearing patterns on infant and child mortality .
26 It is in the best interest of the school to make sure that the meals offered on the premises are value for money , nutritionally sound and are attractive to children .
27 He had been playing Happy Families at the time and wondering why it was that the families depicted on the cards should be so happy and his was n't .
28 Note that the G appearing on the right-hand side of ( 7.16 ) is the usual gravitational constant and not some contraction of a tensor .
29 But the existence of these functions does not mean that the towns depended on them exclusively and it did not prevent them from acquiring others from the normal expected range .
30 Naturally the major proviso for such accord would be that the resources spent on the asylums be entirely redistributed within modernized health services .
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