Example sentences of "that he will [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The hope is simply that God in his mercy will deal with the cancer of hate , suspicion , fear and selfishness in the guts of men , black and white ; and that He will lead us , as we obey Him , out of the political , economic deadlocks into sanity .
2 But Emily 's great wish from childhood , confided to her small admirer David on his first visit , is to be a lady , and when her beauty and refinement attract David 's glamorous friend Steerforth , she elopes with him in the hope that he will bring her home a lady .
3 The hon. Gentleman 's points are well made and I am sure that he will draw them to the attention of the chief constable .
4 I regret that I can not quote the Minister exactly , but I am sure that he will tell me if my paraphrase is inaccurate .
5 Perhaps the first thing that he will tell us is whether his hon. Friend cleared that article with him in advance .
6 When the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Environment replies to the debate , I hope that he will tell us how the British Government will apportion the 24 delegates from the United Kingdom who will represent us on that new body , the committee of regional and local authorities .
7 The ageing rocker , still bedding women and jet-setting around the world at 56 , who is still so desperate for attention that he will tell his story to a newspaper .
8 Albert has scorned a stammer that he will tell you has got him into trouble on more than one occasion on the golf course ; and he emerged from brother Alfie 's shadow to partner his own Open champion — a player who at one time was reputed to throw a 5-iron almost as long as he could hit it , and who , it was told , sometimes sacked two caddies a week — to the prized claret jug .
9 I hope that he will show his belief in the importance of the process .
10 Formally but icily they replied that they " do not desire to interfere with any views which he may have towards improving his position in life , but they expect that he will give them six months ' notice of his intention to resign the mastership of the School " .
11 But despite some concessions made to access considerations , there has been little evidence that he will change his mind .
12 We plead not simply that God will change our circumstances , but that he will change us so that we can become catalysts , through whom his plans can be implemented .
13 I welcome my right hon. and learned Friend 's school technology initiative , and hope that he will favour Our Lady and Pope John school in Corby for funding under that scheme .
14 He was less sympathetic than I would have expected , but I am sure that he will send her home if she is unwell . ’
15 What you must do is tense your neck muscles to relieve the pressure and then hurt your attacker so quickly and painfully that he will loosen his grip , allowing you to move and gasp for air — before you smash him and run .
16 Then rest in his care for you , confident that he will do what is best for you , provided that you , for your part , work diligently but gently .
17 At a park near the hotel , Anderson promises Mrs Hollar , by means of her son , Sacha , translating , that he will do what he can to help her husband ( scene nine ) and returns to the hotel where he finds McKendrick drunkenly baiting some of the England team in Grayson 's room .
18 I wish him well , and know that he will do everything to continue and enhance the magazine 's success .
19 Well , he 's also actually very smart , so I think that he will do something , but I do n't think that that kind of deco constructivist inspired pastiche of styles , all reactionary , adds much , but of course they probably think that just doing , you know , just being content with typefaces available in nineteen twenty-five ads , but I do n't know .
20 My opinion is that he will do nothing .
21 And what 's even more sure is that he will do it in some style .
22 Moreover , the stranger disappears , but the husband remains , as does the fear that he will do it again .
23 He promised in the Chamber that he did not want any volunteers to be turned away from offering their service , and I am sure that he will do his best to keep that promise .
24 They may go through , but I hope that he will make it clear that , in the next Session of Parliament , this legislation will apply , and anybody considering introducing a works Bill will do so through this legislation and not as a private measure .
25 At the very least , Hong Kong are hoping that he will steer them to a vital second place in September 's Asian Rugby Football Tournament in South Korea .
26 So sure is Berkeley of the ultimate impossibility of this abstraction that he even says that he will let his whole case rest on it .
27 The heart of the government 's economic difficulty is sterling , and the credibility of Mr Major 's indications ( if that is not too strong a word ) that he will defend it .
28 I know that he will join me in welcoming the announcement yesterday by my hon. Friend the Minister of State , Treasury at the start of the project to construct a new building for Customs and Excise at Queen 's dock .
29 [ P ] eople respond to incentives … if a person 's surroundings change in such a way that he will increase his satisfactions by altering his behaviour , he will do so .
30 This type of suicide believes that he will survive his own death , witness the discovery of his own body , and participate in the reactions of others towards his death .
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