Example sentences of "that he be to be " in BNC.

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1 He 's one of around 150 teachers who 've had letters from the County Council warning that he 's to be made redundant because of spending cutbacks .
2 Are we to assume that he is to be honoured for his illustrious career as US Secretary of State for Defence ?
3 It is said that nothing so concentrates a man 's mind as the knowledge that he is to be hanged in the morning .
4 Give a child a piece of paper to hold and say that he is to be sure not to let anyone interfere with it .
5 Gazza should now be encouraged , not discouraged , and then disillusioned to find out that he is to be overlooked until next February .
6 It is precisely because Herbert Marcuse , for example , has retained the notion of the death instincts that he is to be seen as having advanced psychoanalytic sociology and social philosophy .
7 1 Inform patient quietly that he is to be transferred to theatre .
8 He has also been advised that he is to be presented with an award from the Royal Yachting Association Seamanship Foundations by HRH the Princess Royal on 9 January .
9 Between 1193 and 1201 it is possible that he is to be identified with a master Elias , steward to Gilbert de Glanville , bishop of Rochester [ q.v. ] , a close friend and kinsman of Hubert Walter .
10 Less likely , but by no means impossible , is the suggestion that he is to be identified with a man named master Elias the engineer , or Elias of Oxford , who prior to 1201 had charge of the king 's houses in Oxford and of various castle-building operations across southern England .
11 As regards contracts of employment , it is provided that he is to be liable on any contract of employment adopted by him but nothing he does or omits to do in the first 14 days of his appointment is to be taken as adoption of the contract .
12 Thereafter the truly experienced Phillips-watcher will know that he is to be found in the corner of the studio conducting a vehement argument with himself on the subject of whatever he just did n't tell you , and will shortly be sending an assistant back to pick up his hat .
13 The witches tell him that he is to be the next king , and instead of leaving the matter to take its natural course , he murders the King , and claims the throne .
14 However , it is unlikely that he is to be identified with Lothar , colleague of the great Romanist Pillius , whom the convent of Canterbury sought to enlist in June or July 1187 in the course of their great struggle with the archbishop .
15 He has in writing that he is to be used — only — as an offensive midfielder both in games and — in training — .
16 Badly drafted clauses sometimes encountered say that the expert must be acceptable to both parties , or that he is to be appointed by some person or institution acceptable to both parties .
17 He felt powerless in the face of his father , and was cursed with the unshakeable conviction that he was to be punished throughout life for some unspecified crime .
18 In East Tyrone , s UDR started the day on a happy note when the Commanding Officer called the Administrative Officer to his office and told him that he was to be promoted to Captain .
19 Then an order came to pick up Weibel again ‘ I had to hide my dismay when Weibel was bought back without a blindfold — a sure sign that he was to be killed . ’
20 Mario , however , had a contract with Chapman and that contract had stipulated , as at Mario 's insistence it always did , that he was to be the team 's Number One driver .
21 He was also a very reluctant martyr : only when the learnt that he was to be burned in spite of his abject recantations did he withdraw them .
22 He told one correspondent that Eliot owed his best poetry to Pound — he was convinced that there would eventually be a vogue in favour of Pound which would take the form of a reaction against Eliot ( in that he was to be proved right ) .
23 ‘ The last I heard was that he was to be given a good education at the public school which Sir Philip 's son was attending .
24 He died suddenly 5 October 1918 at Half Moon Street , London , but even then his delicate sense of humour did not desert him : he left instructions in his will that he was to be cremated — a most unusual request for a Roman Catholic — and his ashes taken to Père Lachaise cemetery in Paris and placed within Oscar Wilde 's tomb .
25 Stevie had received a tip that he was to be featured .
26 He quickly learned that he was to be used in Scandinavia , because of his languages , but at present — with no expertise of any sort in clandestine communication — he had to train .
27 A clause in a lease was silent about the status of the rent reviewer : all it said was that he was to be a surveyor .
28 Unfortunately , problems still remain with regard to delivery and it seems that in the case of an individual delivery will still be necessary as the old law still applies , with the result that a document will be treated as delivered when it is clear that it was intended by one of the parties that he was to be bound by the terms of the document .
29 His heart sank , perversely convinced that he was to be transferred to some damp hole where he would be able neither to stand upright nor lie at full length , and chained there in darkness .
30 God spoke on three February mornings to John Reeve , and told him that he was to be the prophet and his cousin was to be Reeve 's mouth .
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