Example sentences of "that he [vb past] [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm not sure whether I should be flattered or otherwise , ’ her host drawled , and she decided on the spot that she hated men with sophisticated wit — was he saying that he took it as a compliment , or not , that he only got one mention at lunchtime ?
2 It could be argued that he saw it as something of a homecoming : Neil had attended Yeovil Grammar School for a time when his father 's work took the family there .
3 To say that he viewed her as a challenge would be absurd — Nicky Scott Wilson and his type were far too assured to think of life in terms of challenges .
4 Sharp fulminated against any notion of equality of opportunity while the financial disparities between authorities remained , but his writing on the subject leads one to suspect that he viewed it as a ‘ shibboleth ’ in more ways than financial ones .
5 After his accession Richard parted with all his East Anglian estates to Howard , an indication that he regarded them as a peripheral part of his power base .
6 After his accession Richard parted with all his East Anglian estates to Howard , an indication that he regarded them as a peripheral part of his power base .
7 No , Steen 's behaviour certainly suggested that he regarded her as a threat in some way .
8 But Jesus , who never responded to real unbelief , showed by answering his prayer and healing his son that he recognized it as doubt .
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