Example sentences of "that you have [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The wartime government had promised the troops they would return to ‘ homes fit for heroes to live in ’ , but the sick joke was that you had to be a hero to survive in them .
2 But their attitude that you had to be part of their camp used to get to me .
3 ‘ And let her know that you cared so little for me that you had to be reminded ?
4 The Secretary of State for Scotland decided who should go to the party , but it appears that you had to be rich , a local landowner or preferably both to receive an invitation .
5 I realised just now that you had to be the one to finish it . ’
6 Uncle Willi , she was sure , would totally understand about being in love , even though he was Georg 's father , but he would n't understand that you had to be in love on the one night of his party , not when you 'd had all those other evenings with Gesner .
7 ‘ And the terrifying thing I realised very quickly was that you have to be yourself .
8 There is a commonly held fallacy that taking control of your life in any way , be it in terms of changed food intake , exercise , or anything else , means that you have to be extra-strict and rigid in your approach .
9 Being aware and feeling love for mankind can not — and should not — mean that you have to be totally submissive .
10 I was confident of beating him , but then I believe that you have to be confident of beating everybody .
11 I believe that you have to be tall to wear the kind of outfits that I do .
12 If you have to rely solely on public transport then the rural life may not be such a good idea , unless everything that you have to be near is within your area .
13 Having twin and matched secondary windings clearly makes a mains transformer very versatile , but it also means that you have to be rather more careful when wiring it up .
14 I SEE A COMPARISON BETWEEN yourselves and ‘ The Most Dangerous Band In The World ’ on the Letterman Show in America , in that you have to be able to back anyone who comes on the show .
15 It is not that you have to be ‘ good ’ , just stop believing you are ‘ bad ’ .
16 ‘ The first criterion is that you have to be big : once you 're big there is something to work on and mobility , strength , athleticism , agility , determination and not least pride can be developed .
17 It 's like the attitude that you have to be good and religious , think the right thoughts , wear the right clothes , believe the right things , come from the right background , if you are in any way to be acceptable to God .
18 You may find that you have to be very determined and repeat your message several times .
19 on Saturday and yet , that you have to be careful because they they have that I 've forgotten what her name was on on Wogan saying next time you go into a D I Y store and you see a mahogany toilet seat you know do n't boy buy it think of the forest .
20 This last point does not necessarily mean that you have to be using a page description language but , for the moment at least , it amounts to the same thing .
21 ‘ It is a police requirement that you have to be an active member of a club before you can be recommended to apply to purchase a firearm . ’
22 However , joining does n't mean that you have to be doing research , registration is open to those who are ‘ just interested ’ or ‘ thinking about it ’ .
23 is that you have to be accepted by the Home Office as well as the erm you know particular institution running the course .
24 Well I did think about it but the Careers Officer advised me no cos he thought that you have to be really really good before y get in and he asked me if I thought I was really good and I said that well I was not too bad but and he said that he thought it would be better to concentrate on something else .
25 Not least among these is that you have to be beyond the peak of the Laffer curve to begin with .
26 I 'm sorry about that , it really is more of a second thought , although I do n't want to go into any detail and I 'd like , like any broad that you have to be in my mind in this case at least
27 I think there 's a danger that you can go over the top with praise , in that you 're anxious to give quality feedback , the thing that you have to be careful with is that it 's not just meaningless like that , because that can be just as bad as giving negative feedback .
28 ‘ And that means that you have to be better than the next man to be considered half as good .
29 Mm , see one of the dangers of just reading the bible is that you have to be careful you do n't fall into the pitfall of just reading it when if you do then it 'll all look as if it 's pointing towards the only way out is heaven
30 There 's no way it should be that complicated a lot of the problems are caused by the rules being so complicated that you have to be working in that particular field
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