Example sentences of "that you [vb base] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All that you behold is for the most part , simply broadcasting equipment .
2 If the book that you require is in the library there will be a card in the catalogue for it .
3 Never get bored with the fact that you 've been with someone for a long time , it 's a good thing , not a bad thing .
4 Nearly always some compromise can be reached with the vendor , depending on whether it is a buyer 's or a seller 's market , but at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you 've been through everything with a fine tooth comb , that you 've done the best you possibly can and know what you are letting yourself in for !
5 I know that you 've been through husbands until now th y y , the feller you 're living with , your seventh husband is not e , you 're e actually married to him .
6 They wo n't give me a minute 's peace tomorrow now that you 've been to the centre . ’
7 Well show them that you 've been to the pictures
8 On the front , front cover you 've got the portrait of William Shakespeare that , that you claim was in fact a painted over portrait of er , of de Vere .
9 I see that you enjoy being with the boys very much , so go and sit next to Gilbert this afternoon . ’
11 And also I think , which is very strong and I think it does come out in , in the Chinese Communist Party , is the lust of power which can be even more dangerous when you convince yourself I 'll do all you lot good but I can make you all members of the Communist Party , whether you want to be or not does n't really matter , you know , it 's gon na be for the good of the country so you fall in with this trap of assuming that you want is for their good so it 's sort of a , a dangerous thing .
12 They might also reveal that you have been in some distant shopping mall far from your usual stomping ground on a day on which you had sworn ( at least to the office ) that you had been laid up with flu .
13 Those that you think are worth persevering with can be grown on for another year , getting a second chance to bloom .
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