Example sentences of "that you [vb base] [vb pp] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And , now that you 've got what you wanted , you might as well pack your bags and leave . ’
2 So in the other version that you 've got what sort of changes to the order have you made ?
3 All we 're looking for is that you 've got what you 've ordered .
4 Erm er apart from the mortgage are there any other outstanding bills or , or that , that you 've got which you have been ?
5 Now erm there are quite a few sort of single parents on the , the flats , now erm are there any problems that you 've had which possibly other people have had , with living in the flats ?
6 Now what was the first property metals that you have listed What 's the first property in metals that you came to ?
7 Once you come to the end of the page — or some other sensible stopping point — and assuming that you have understood what you have been reading , write on your pad a heading and a list of the key words contained in the piece .
8 If you read the paragraph carefully you will find your eyes continually moving to the pie chart for confirmation that you have understood what has been written .
9 They were enclosed with a letter from the producer of the series , who wrote : ‘ As we answered the phones to a delighted public I realized that you have said what masses of people always wanted to hear . ’
10 In the space below write in your own words one thing that you have learned which has helped you understand bullies better .
11 ‘ I think , ’ Doyle murmured , ‘ that you have forgotten what you were meant to be doing . ’
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