Example sentences of "that i have [verb] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I do n't know if I gave you , and if I did n't I need to , the things that I 've called recordings logs , that are different than meeting logs .
2 He shrugged , then muttered , ‘ Only the fact that I 've known women to break their word . ’
3 After all that I 've left ciggies in the car .
4 Now that I 've mentioned drugs the story suddenly sounds believable .
5 AND , now that I 've mentioned joints , continuing progress in developing
6 I 'm asking you to accept that I 've got reasons , and not to ask me what they are .
7 I only mentioned it because I want you to know that I realise the problems we 're facing — and that I 've got plans to put us back on our feet .
8 I 've always felt that he ought to know how I 'm feeling — to realise that I 've got problems too .
9 ‘ If you 've some crazy notion in that muddled excuse for a brain that I 've got designs on your person , allow me to disabuse you of it right now , ’ he told her bluntly , bringing hot , but thankfully invisible , colour to her cheeks .
10 I seemed to think that I 'd seen scores of other holy pictures just like it ; God with his fingers held funny and always with one pointing upwards .
11 I now have 4 years ' teaching experience although I too was thrown in at the deep end — my only advantage over others was that I had studied languages myself and knew how difficult it could be .
12 I do n't know whether David would agree , but my experience as a teacher was that I certainly encountered , I realize now , in my teaching career , children with dyslexia and yet no-one had told me , in my training , anything about this condition and I do n't think I was in a position until later , in a sense , to recognise that I had seen children with this difficulty .
13 I told him that I had watched cows being milked — that was all — but I liked the look of it .
14 Look I do n't want to be so famous that I have to write autographs all over the place , and ca n't travel by bus in case I 'm mobbed .
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