Example sentences of "that i [modal v] [verb] a " in BNC.

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61 It 's not often that I can say a piece of equipment is inspiring , but reviewing the A2 actually got me coming up with some ideas that I just had to get on tape .
62 Next morning over breakfast I decide to go back into Þingeyri to catch a plane back to Ísafjöđ3ur in the hope that I can get a boat or bus from there .
63 I am going to play him in the remaining reserve games so that I can get a good look at him .
64 I find now that I can take a little comfort for acting beyond my authority and without Don Bennett 's knowledge of what I was doing .
65 I still hope that I can tie a deal up next week . ’
66 ‘ She 's having a short stay in hospital at the moment so that I can have a holiday .
67 It 's about 1½ ″ below my shoulders and I am trying to grow it so that I can have a style that 's cut straight across the bottom .
68 And they told me that I can have a job back there any time I want . ’
69 yes , well is there any more you want to say on that , is er , er , er , subject to Mr as you say of course , erm I just simply wanted to know erm so that I can have a , a , a look , erm at what on one view , erm might be the , the case , it might clear be the conclusion that you er incorrect in or partially incorrect or I was unable to answer all the questions er at this stage
70 There is no way that I could skive a session , even if I wanted to , wearing my yellow and tartan suit !
71 in my view thrown off without any reasonable excuse , because I felt that I could bring a lot of expertise to the health authority .
72 So when he was in Birmingham he bought me this house , which was going cheap , so that I could start a money-lending business here for him .
73 Why do you think I brought you down to his place if it was n't so that I could stake a claim on your patience — make you listen to what I have to confess because there was no way you could run away from me — flag down a taxi , catch a bus and head for the airport ? ’
74 I was examining the effect in the mirror before putting on the mask , vaguely wishing that I could levitate a little to improve the illusion .
75 You 're so plausible that I could make a case for you .
76 We were by now seated in the Happy Diner , and I was still rather amazed that I could face a bacon sandwich .
77 I thought about it for a while and then telephoned him to say that I could suggest a pretty easy solution , and indicated to him what it was .
78 If I never believed the dead could hear me , and if I knew that the dead could not speak , I was nonetheless certain that I could re-create a conversation with them .
79 ‘ I was also thinking , ’ he whispered softly into her ear , ‘ that I could find a secluded spot and make love with you right now , if such a thing as a secluded spot existed in this place . ’
80 When I was put in charge of the start-up at Fawley at the ripe old age of twenty-nine most of my team were people who were twenty years older than I was and being on shift with a lot of operating people taught me the problems and the realisation that I could learn a hell of a lot from them — the realisation that the chap on the shop floor usually knows far more about what 's going on than management does .
81 I thought no more of it , and stared vacantly into space , wishing that the weather would improve so that I could have a better look at the scenery .
82 I used to gaze at it and wish that I could have a dog just like the one in the picture .
83 The print , called ‘ Suspense ’ , hung over my parents ' bed and from a very early age I wished that I could have a dog like that — have a look at the picture of my Nip on page 110 .
84 I loved the fact that I could have a four , five , six piece group that was capable of making this huge wall of sound in addition to what we did as just a jazz quartet . ’
85 My first big chance to put money in the bank came in 1986 when Middlesex awarded me a benefit , which was meant to make sure that I could have a start in the world outside cricket once I retired .
86 In order that I could test a number of hypotheses , I gave all the British ( and a considerable number of other European and North American ) Moonies a 41-page questionnaire , and then I reproduced many of the questions in a 36-page questionnaire that was distributed to non-Moonies who were matched for age and social background with the Unification membership .
87 I had been counting on his saying no to at least one of those , so that I could issue a hollow guffaw and depart , shaking my head ruefully ; but he did not , and I had no choice but to slink away or sign in .
88 I did n't particularly enjoy that , but the fact that I could play a reasonable game of golf led to an offer to do a sales job for a golf manufacturer just south of Los Angeles in a place called Tustin . ’
89 I was hoping that P & I 's would be having a sale and that I could get a new concordance but she would n't even let me look .
90 I wished Tod would go and dig out that black chest of his , so that I could get a proper look at this Irene .
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