Example sentences of "that i [vb base] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Roza had insisted that I sample some of the frivolities of Paris .
2 Not that I regret any of it , you understand , but it 's not an enviable state being someone 's mistress .
3 I 'm a creature of habit — in the way I have my hair cut , the suits I wear , the eternal brown boots that I get ribbed about and which are fleetingly seen by the viewers at the end of the programme as we come to the closing headlines .
4 ‘ The Queen herself has insisted that I get involved in all aspects of the negotiations at all levels .
5 By that I mean those of us who do n't fit in to the stereotypes created by our culture , and refuse to be ; for example , such like myself who are n't rapacious materialists , fashion victims , empty-headed bimbos , domineering matriarchs who perpetually have a pan of chicken soup on the hob and a home-made cake ready for everloving family to devour .
6 With the new round of drinks , he insisted that I try one of his yellow cigarettes .
7 It is with shame that I write this to you who so well prophesied what has come to pass " .
8 As far as I can tell , we have some sort of unspoken agreement that I keep quiet about not officially existing in return for being able to do more or less as I like on the island and buy more or less what I like in the town .
9 Not that I know much about him , just that my philosophical friend Kevin Rice despised him .
10 Yeah , perhaps it 's just that I know some of the loonies that go up there and get what they want every time .
11 Is it your wish that I sign these as a correct record ?
12 But it 's rock music that I despise most of all
13 That I grow bored after an hour or two .
14 I would just like to say that I see this as an absolute benefit to and look forward to us working together in the future .
15 Now I think it says a lot for teachers as a profession that I think many of them are in fact prepared to have a go at this .
16 Thank you Chairman and Town Clerk and Councillors for attending that meeting because this has been a problem here for so long that I think all of us would be delighted to see it resolved to the er satisfaction of the local residents .
17 ‘ I still find it incredible that I do this at all , ’ Fruitbat admits at one point .
18 Since eyesight requires that I do most of the close-up camera work , it fell to me to film the creature crawling slowly across Lorne 's fingers .
19 ON Thursday 31st October , two days before the World Cup final , it was with dismay that I read one of my schoolboy heroes , David Duckham , being reported as commenting that he would be ‘ embarrassed and very sad if England won the Cup playing the way they did against Scots ’ .
20 That 's right , and I think that erm , yes , there 's a notion that I find useful in talking to students that we all have a comfort zone , there are all things that we know about , that we know how to do and if anything comes up — I mean in business it might be accountancy , we do n't all know how to handle figures , and so that 's an area that we 've hived off in that area and we all know that when we do that we are , as it were , giving up a bit ; we 're saying ‘ well , I ca n't manage I just do n't have I ca n't do that , it 's not for me ’ .
21 Butterflies possess idiosyncrasies that I find curious in creatures with the minimum of brain-cells .
22 It 's the vanity , the ego of the attachment to that experience that I find depressing in so many people .
23 ‘ There are certain songs now that I leave open for improvisation ; I play something different every night instead of playing the solo from the record .
24 You are perhaps aware ’ , wrote Gould grandly to William Swainson in January 1837 , ‘ that I have two of Mrs Goulds ’ brothers in Australia engaged in collecting the natural product of that fine country , nearly the whole of which are consigned to myself and that consequently I possess perhaps greater facilities than most persons for the production of a work of this description .
25 Erm the information that I have available to me would suggest therefore that the A nineteen erm when it 's dualled would be a superior and therefore to get a better score erm on on that criterion .
26 If they did , the resources required would " clearly be beyond all that I have available in this theatre " .
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