Example sentences of "that is so [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is a combination that is so good that Redgrave , 30 , is now looking over his shoulder .
2 And in the depths of the forest , the humming is still strong , and the wind is still swirling all about us , and something is stirring , something that is so strong and so purely magical that no one has ever been able to resist it …
3 You need to find a food regime that is so easy and pleasurable that you can keep to it indefinitely .
4 They use a business language that is so predictable and going out and doing it is not part of the course .
5 Dimples mischievously collide with each other at odd places around his face as he glances at me and wonders how on earth I could ask a question that is so dumb and yet so fundamental .
6 Cough that produces a raw , splitting sensation in the larynx that is so acute and severe that they make every effort not to cough .
7 Firstly , we have ‘ a state of affairs that is so acute as to constitute a danger ’ — and , we would add , a moral challenge of a scale which makes it one of the most pressing social issues of the day .
8 It has been pointed out that " unreasonableness " has been used in two ways in this area : ( a ) in an " umbrella " sense where it has been used as a synonym for abuse of power covering the various aspects of abuse of power already mentioned ; ( b ) in a substantive sense where it means manifest unreasonableness , a decision or exercise of power that is so unreasonable that no reasonable man would agree with it .
9 Professor Williams criticises the attitude of some courts as being that a person may use ‘ only force that is so mild as to be ineffective . ’
10 I urge the Secretary of State to say why , when business person after business person tells him , ’ Of course , we must have a single European currency , ’ he continues to insist on the opt-out that is so unrealistic and damaging to British industry ?
11 And so it was that a man who had tried his hand at a whole variety of working-class jobs but who was no friend of the labour unions could , as part of his episodic film Intolerance , quite effortlessly recreate a clash between workers and police that is so lifelike as to seem like a newsreel and to suggest that perhaps every subsequent labour riot followed its pattern .
12 This is the most beautiful place I have ever been , a land of snow that is so fresh and clean that to ride over it seems criminal .
13 Clearly too many diets involve deprivation that is so severe that the dieter breaks away from them .
14 The machines find them , or anyway , enough of them , so that the computers can often win despite an intrinsic quality of play that is so inane as to be comic , as is readily apparent when two computers play each other .
15 It is this opening up and exposure of traditional dance that is so important when choreographers attempt to give a realistic atmosphere to the style and expression of their work .
16 ‘ What we 're trying to do is have a piece of research that is so novel and is so placeable within industry that they ca n't really say no .
17 He concluded by stating that he had been ‘ compelled to trench on political questions as well as economic — because I feel we are approaching a situation that is so grave that it compares with the War , when we were compelled to act together in self-defence ’ .
18 There 's no way that a farrier can shoe a horse that is so angry or frightened that it is rearing and leaping all over the place .
19 On the other hand we are fortunate indeed if we happen to be in a business that is so secure that it is enough for us to make effortless decisions that never require us to do more than flow along with established patterns .
20 Where it is not forced there could be a competitive advantage in making a decision that is so difficult that other people would not be prepared to make it .
21 It is difficult to see how such chaotic initial conditions could have given rise to a universe that is so smooth and regular on a large scale as ours is today .
22 So what exactly is gossip — this thing that is so reviled and condemned ?
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